Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Profound thoughts about ministry from the late Rich Mullins...

Start realizing that your ministry is how much of a tip you leave when you eat in a restaurant; when you leave a hotel room whether you leave it messed up or not; whether you flush your toilet or not. Your ministry is the way you love people. And you love people when you write something that is encouraging to them, something challenging. You love people when you call your wife and say, "I'm going to be late for dinner," instead of letting her burn the meal. You love people when maybe you cook a meal for your wife sometime, because you know she's really tired. Loving people -- being respectful toward them -- is much more important than writing or doing music.

If you are a Christian, ministry is just an accident of being alive. I don't know that you can divide up your life and say, "This is my ministry," and "This is my other thing," because the fruits of Christianity affect everybody around us.

~ Rich Mullins

"Your ministry is the way you love people." 

How are you ministering the love of Christ today? How am I?


  1. I love this, Cheryl...and Rich Mullins was right on! What an impact he made on the world in his short glad his music and message is still alive and well in the world today. Did you see the movie made about his life..."Ragamuffin"? He had such a heart for the Lord although he was a tormented soul...what satan meant for evil, God used for good.

  2. Such an encouraging post. Sometimes we think the "little things" don't matter but when we remember how much they mean to us, we can know that others are also blessed by "little things". We don't always have to do "big things" to show love and caring to others. Thank you for posting this. Blessings, Sharon D.

  3. I love this too! I have had an issue with the idea running around in Christian circles the last few years that call for us to do 'Radical' things. Sometimes God does call us to do those 'big' things, but most often He calls us to love our neighbors, care for our families, care for our homes, practice hospitality. The things Rich Mullins was mentioning.

    Thanks for sharing this quote with us.

  4. You said "the late" Rich Mullins! That sent me scurrying. He has been gone for nearly twenty years and I did not know. Must have been out of the loop that week. Sigh. Well, we do love his songs and sing them yet. Yes, I do believe what he says about ministering in the simplest of ways. I could do better.

  5. To me, this is what a Christian is. If only...I love this, Cheryl! Thank you for this powerful reminder! ♥

  6. Yes! So practical. Reminds me that once I saw a paperback book about his life.....I've wanted to read it ever since then. (It belonged to someone else, and I've never made the effort to find it since. I think I WILL now.)

  7. That Mr. Mullens really caught the spirit of ministry... the every day, being aware of walking in the royal law of love every minute as opportunities abound every where.

    Cheryl, I'm so very glad you shared that piece with us today. I think I need to copy that into my special quote book.

    I wish you that completely settled 'knowing' peace in your own 'ministry' right here on your blog... where your spirit of generosity and kindness bless us over and over and over.


  8. Wow that is so good..I will copy it too I think...thank you for sharing it, God bless as we continue our ministry.

  9. Powerful. It's the small things we think to do that show the love of Christ. And I really like your photo as well. Beautiful.

  10. Very wise words from the late Mr. Mullins. Sometimes it's the small things we do that really show we love one we are commanded to do. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Beautiful convicting quote, Cheryl. That is a keeper.
