Thursday, April 16, 2015

Painting: Plan E?

For weeks I had dreaded the "painting the living room" project. It loomed out in front of me, taunting me with its enormity. Prime, paint first coat, paint second coat. Three doors, an entire wall of built-ins, two windows, baseboard. Then up the stairs...risers, molding up the sides. The upstairs hallway with four doors and one window. Then the walls and ceilings in all of those areas (living room, stairs, upstairs hallway). Given the fact that the job was huge and (this is important) that we were short one painter (Kati is doing clinicals for her CNA training), would we even be able to finish it all in one week? 

As late as Sunday evening, painting the living room was the plan for this week of Ron's vacation. But as I sat there in my chair after watching Call the Midwife (for the last time, I might add, but that's another story...), my mind scrambled for another plan. 

What if...I began, thinking that Ron would be reluctant to rethink those plans. But guess what?! He was all ears! So we weighed all the pros and cons and talked over Plans B, C, D, and E and ended up with something we all felt we could live with. Whew!


1) Paint Bekah's bedroom.

I know. What?! But last fall, when she was so inspired by our visit to Fresh Vintage by Amy in Lancaster, I had promised her that we'd repaint her room sometime soon ("soon" being a relative term around here). And this was a much smaller project.

For her entire life, the walls of her bedroom have been pink, even after a couple of updates. (The girl does not like change.) This time around, we're painting the walls Swiss Coffee and the woodwork Decorator White, both by Behr. This neutral color scheme will provide a blank canvas for her vintage treasures and the pops of color that she loves. 

2) Paint the living room/stairs/ stages.

Whew! That is such a relief!

I am all for getting a project done and not dragging it out indefinitely whenever possible, but this seems so much more doable. It is a very workable solution. 

For this week, we're painting the built-ins only. This involves removing from the shelves, priming, and two coats of paint. We won't replace the books for at least a week after the new paint is on, allowing plenty of time for the paint to cure, which means that my house will look like a used book store for a while. (Bonus: We are enjoying "shopping" at our used book store, finding some forgotten treasures.)

Then we will tackle a little bit (or a bigger bit, as time allows) of the job every week until it's done. Maybe paint a window in an evening...or the walls on a weekend. Not the ideal way to do a job, but a manageable one. (Which is important.)

Although I don't consider myself "old," I have found that we cannot do things at the same rate that we used to do them. And our work days are shorter too. We want to be sitting in our chairs by the time Jeopardy comes on at 7:30. 

Life is continual change, isn't it? 


  1. Cheryl, I had to chuckle at the last Jeopardy comment---sounds like us--except my husband likes to be in our chairs by 7:00 for Wheel of Fortune and then Jeopardy.
    I like the plan you have devised about spacing out the painting. It will get done and will look lovely in a few weeks. That's easy for me to say! We've "talked" about doing one room at a time--talking is not doing. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished rooms. ♥

  2. Girl, we're living parallel lives! I started painting the 3 upstairs bedrooms and bath. Finished the 1st, (awsome job) and moved on to the outdoors to avoid any more painting for awhile. Cleaning all the downstairs windows and raking, mulching etc has me convinced that a painting job is not that bad. :D
    We often have to go away for a few days to rest. I know what you mean about jobs taking longer and feeling more difficult. As hard as it all is I'm thankful to still be able to do these things even at a snail's pace. Yes, do it in increments. Have a great weekend. Doing....whatever.

  3. I do like that idea, Cheryl. Most of the time I am the only one doing a project like this. I do NOT want my hubby around when I paint...he is not a painter so I do these things when he is working his long stretches away from home. I do it wall by wall...meaning I pull everything out away from just one wall, do any masking, etc., paint the wall and base boards, and then move it all back. It seems to work well for me and just in case something unexpected come up, you only have to put one wall of the room back together and everything isn't in such a state of upheaval. Looking forward to the "after" shots!

  4. You two are geniuses! Sounds as if that is a plan that can be lived with or more importantly survived. I am told that whenever my paternal grandmother did a project that she did it is such small steps that it was all accomplished before anyone realized that it had been done. Suddenly, you'd walk into her front room and it was freshly papered like magic. =D I suspect that your trail of books will mess with my theory a bit. Hope that we get to share in the results.

    Now I am nosy as can be and really want to know why you have watched the last episode of that show; I've not watched the first so I'd not know. I can tell that John and I are older than you and Ron—we must be in our chairs vy 7 to watch Wheel of Fortune. 😊

    1. Why do the emoticons work at some blogs and not others? 😊= a smile

    2. is=in and vy=by

      Yes, I am thinking of writing completely in code.

  5. Very good plan, that plan E! Have a great week!

  6. Sounds SO sane!
    And I understand about Jeopardy :)

  7. I bet Bekah is thrilled!

    I know what you mean about these kinds of projects. I used to think nothing of tackling something like that! Now, I get help!

    Your plan sounds sensible!

    Please show us Bekah's room! I've used Swiss Coffee here at the cottage and I like it!


  8. I hear you about Call the Midwife. It seems like every series on T.V. right now is putting their "point of view" out there seeking sympathy and support. Glad you came up with a painting plan that you are more comfortable with.

  9. My husband and I missed our favorite show Call The Midwife on Sunday. We were at a church meeting that ran long. That is disappointing that something caused you not to watch. Hopefully it is not the same reason I stopped watching the newest version of Upstairs, Downstairs on the same channel.

    As for the painting I would hire someone :) I am just at that place in my life.

    Have a beautiful day!!


  10. Painting can be overwhelming, especially a project such as yours. You now have it arranged like how you eat an elephant--one bite at a time. More workable. And a good chance to dust those books! (or maybe you do anyway). I went a step further than you when we did this--hired a painter to do the stair way walls because I was not about to get up on a scaffolding.

  11. I'm hoping this post will inspire me to paint our kitchen and living room. Hoping... Good for you!

  12. And how does one eat an Elephant? One bite at a time, this has become my motto as of late, for several reasons, age, lack of time. ~smile~
    Good luck with this, I just know Bekka is going to love her new room, she truly is growing up!
    Please tell Katie, I wish her well with her CNA training, being a care giver s so rewarding.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  13. Cheryl, now I'm so curious. I haven't seen any of this season's Call the Midwife; what made you want to stop watching? Sounds like you've got a good plan for the painting, but I'd advise you to give the shelves more than a week before you put the books back. I have a built-in bookcase with marks on the shelves because I put the books back too soon, and I waited a week. If I ever re-do them, I'll wait at least two weeks and hope that's long enough.

  14. I think Plan E sounds like a winner. It will be beautiful when you are finished and you'll enjoy it so much more if you don't wear yourselves out trying to do so much all at once. I hope you show us Bekah's room when it's finished! Have a great week and happy painting!

  15. My husband says we are not to watch Call The Midwife anymore too. So sad they had to take such a great show and put forth agenda that is so...difficult and in such a harsh in our face way!!! I understand completely why you are stopping. Sad. And i saw latest posts, all that hard work paid off!!! Beka's room is beautiful and the bookcase looks great!!!! Good job!!! ~tammy

  16. A realistic plan has more possibilities of being accomplished. Yes, stages sounds like a good plan. You are a diligent family. I'll have to remember "stages" when we get down to painting. I see your blue (off-the-loom love-knot?) sofa and like it very much.
