Saturday, April 11, 2015

Saturday Graces

Graces...things that I do not deserve, but that He has seen fit to give to me. These are all joys here on an April Saturday.

~ A girl who wants to bake her own birthday cake. 
Honestly, my cakes are hit-and-miss so you can't blame her. But she loves to bake and she has ideas for this cake. I'll show you the finished product next week.

~ No one has to work (away from home) today. That is rare these days. 

~ I'm still enjoying the forsythia that was clipped for our Resurrection Day celebration.

~ New issue of Country Living magazine.
I think Bekah enjoys it even more than I do. She looks through every single page, dog-earring the ones that grab her attention.

~ Looking forward to a fresh paint job in the living room.
Mostly, I am looking forward to it being done, not the actual doing of it. I think I'd rather take a licking. The living room flows into the stairway and the upstairs hallway, and we have a wall of built-in bookcases. That's a lot of painting. But Ron is off next week and that is the chosen project. If I disappear, you'll know where I am.

~ This gift tie-on, a darling little project made by our brand new "Keepers at Home" club. The girls also made Nutella brownies. Delicious fun!

~ Listening to my daughter play the piano. 
She treats us to many impromptu concerts as she loves to play and plays frequently. It is one of the joys of my life. 

What are the graces in your world today?


  1. I'm on the road but popping in. I love how you stop to take note of the grace you see in your life, the everyday yet amazing grace. Have fun painting. The finished product is what we reach for!

  2. It sounds like your Saturday has certainly been filled with grace! And I think making your own bday cake is awesome! Today, I've been playing in the dirt...planting flowers...I may have even gotten a touch of a sunburn! As I was sitting down resting a bit, a hummingbird came flitting around looking for food. I was so stunned to see one so early but I thought as long as we have a hungry hummer, we better have some food, so got the feeders out! Springtime is in full swing here in the south and I hope yours is well on it's way!!

  3. My graces today are sunny skies, a cleaned out closet, and a quiet afternoon!

    I can't wait to see Bekah's cake!


  4. My graces? Seeing an entire flock of robins on the lawn and finding the song on You Tube that I have been thinking of all day. Perhaps a Sunday post in there after all this time.

    That cake looks very good even without frosting and decoration...will be interested to see the result. Happy Birthday to Bekah!

    "I'd rather take a licking." Exactly how I feel about it! I've avoided it for years, but I am just being lazy now. Lazy and poor. LOL!

    Enjoy your family time tomorrow! Will Bekah play "Happy Birthday" to herself?

  5. There have been many graces coming my way today, Cheryl. I played in the dirt as Debby said she did. One of my favorite things to do. The wonderful sunshine upon my face filled my soul with joy! My hubby and I went down to the river and sat on a bench and quietly talked about life, etc. I also hung sheets on the line outside. Yes, I am old fashioned --love sheets hung outside!
    Happy Birthday to Bekah--That's wonderful she likes to bake and likes Country Living--I have mine to savor later. I'm with you on the painting--I loathe it and swore I wouldn't do it ever again. I need to eat those words. ♥

  6. A husband who slows his roll so that we can stay together for a fun 5K. Coming home to a freshly mown lawn. A relaxed afternoon to recover from said 5K. An impromptu trip north for a BBQ dinner (complete with ice cream AND funnel cake!)

    If Ron looks around and finds you missing during the paint project, he might want to look at one of our coffee places. Just sayin!

    Happy Birthday, Bekah! I'm anxious to see the finished product!

  7. So often I think of how He gives me undeserved grace too!!! You have had a wonderful day indeed. The cake looks perfect so far and I can almost hear the beautiful piano music ... We were graced with a glorious Spring day over here today, cleaned up the yard a bit, and picked a huge bouquet of pussy willows. Happy Birthday to your Bekah. The painting job/torture will all be worth it in the end I'm certain!

  8. Enjoyed the grace of having the windows open and enjoying a spring brezees today after a very long winter. Another grace was spending time with two precious grandchildren, while their parents have a well deserved date night. Bekah is a very accomplished young woman. Looking forward to seeing her cake.

  9. A lovely, lovely post. Today I enjoyed the grace of a quiet day at home, a little cleaning that leaves the house in order and bathrooms shining, clean sheets on the bed (where I'm headed right after posting this) and sunshine streaming in through the windows.

  10. This is my first visit to your blog, nice to see that you have so many blessings in your life.

  11. What a lovely post! My grace this morning so far as it is not even light out yet, is the heavy rain we had. We really have been needing rain.

    It is always good to be thankful for the blessings that grace our lives.

    Have a wonderful Sunday ~ FlowerLady

  12. My little dog has been the grace of my day so far. And there is beautiful sunshine outside, though I will have to enjoy it from a distance.

  13. Hi Cheryl, what a joy to be able to visit once again, your Saturday Graces are precious moments for sure, especially having someone play the piano, I dearly love to listen to piano music. I also enjoyed your March Gathering the Moments, is so amazing to me to see how your grandchildren have grown so much, and to see Katie and Beka become such beautiful young ladies, truly women after God's heart, you and your dh have done such a wonderful job of investing in their lives, truly, this blesses me so much.
    Much has been going on too at our home, that has left me little time for blogging, still hoping that will soon change as I miss it and my friends so much.~smile~

  14. I enjoyed your Saturday Graces. I think I am going to add that as a column to my new planner! Thanks for the lovely idea!

  15. I loved all your Saturday graces. And.....I love that you are having Keepers of the Home! I follow a sweet blog of a Canadian lady and she has these meetings also. Always so far away from me, old as I am, I can always learn something new. ;-). I also am guessing it is Ms. Bekah who wants to bake her own cake? Kati is in the fall (our favorite season). Or is it Kristen?!

  16. I enjoyed reading about your Saturday graces. I love piano music and hope to have a piano again soon. I'll tell more in a future post. Anyway, I only play well enough for my own amusement. When I was growing up, I mostly played from an old hymnal. My mother was a real trooper listening to me play the same ones over and over again as I did have my favorites! Happy Birthday to Bekah!

  17. Oh Cheryl, it is so true that we are blessed and I too know that I don't deserve the many graces God showers on me daily! Today it's the grandsons staying with us and the beautiful weather we're having. Two of the many on the long list.

  18. Love the idea of this post and your graces! Love the photo of your daughter playing the piano.
    The grace in my world is the fact that our adult children enjoy each other and work together well. We just got back from a weekend all together where we celebrated and worked together...
    Have a wonderful week Cheryl!

  19. Your posting here is one of my graces this evening as I sit and relish visiting you and other blogging friends. Sounds like a perfect Saturday.

    Look forward to seeing the cake all dressed up in your next post.

    Wishing you a beautiful day,
