Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday Snapshots: What Will We Do For "Grandy"?

Several times Ben (6) had asked if it was time for Grandy.
And then Gran remembered that she had not taken many photos. 
An idea was born!

Gran: Ben, if you sit in that chair and look as cute as you can while I take your picture,
you can have three candies!"

No sooner said than done.

(Pretty cute, huh?)

Aunt Kati: How about if you be cute on my lap?

Gran: If you're cute on Kati's lap, you can have four candies!

That was a little harder...

...but he got the job done.

Owen (8) is really not into being cute...but three candies were at stake.

No, four!

A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.

Maddie (10): No thank you. I'll just have three.

Sigh. I suppose one can get too old to sit in a lap. (But she's not too old to be cute.)

Alaine (4) was presented the offer of multiple candies.

"I'll take four!!"

She jumped into Aunt Kati's lap to be cute and claim her prize!

Gavin (12) surprised us all.

 "I have to sit in Kati's lap to get four candies? All right."

He wasn't sure what that was all about, but sit he did.

The kids made their choices...

...and Gran got some cute pictures.



  1. Adorable! It's so funny how kids think it's such torture! But for Grandy, they'll sacrifice!


  2. Cute kids, cute pictures, good sports, and yes, what kids will do when motivated by c a n d y!

  3. We're at that stage where we can make them laugh easily. I'll keep the candies in mind for later. They are very cute!

  4. Gavin's picture is priceless! They are all so cute! I really need to get some candy.

  5. :) I followed the link to last year. Somehow, I'd missed knowing about "Grandy". Great idea - fun photos. Win/Win.

  6. Great idea...great pictures! Soo cute!

  7. Cute kids and cute photos. Love the way you cajoled and persuaded!

  8. You are SO clever!!! Great pics and I am so going to copy cat you on this idea with my grand quads tomorrow!!! Thank you!!

  9. AHHH...the power of candy!! These guys and galls are ALL adorable and cannot believe how much those three boys all looks so much alike! To me, they look like three different ages of the same child! Sweet post, Cheryl...literally!

  10. Love the look on Gavin's face!

  11. It's amazing how motivated we all are by sugar!!! Lol. I get the Baby Ruth. Do I have to sit on someone's lap?? Darling kid pics. :-)))

  12. Too cute! And one day, Cheryl, they'll all thank you for capturing their cuteness for posterity!
