Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July Photo-a-Day Challenge {Week 3}

Continuing with Kati's photo-a-day challenge for the month of July...

day 15: sign
Joanne and I met at Panera for our monthly Mama Coffee.
(Love Mama Coffee. Love Joanne! Everyone should have a Mama Coffee friend. It is good for the soul.)
This sign was in the window behind me and I turned around and snapped this photo so we could continue our conversation.

day 16: indoors
A batch of blueberry butter. Yummy on toast. Yummy on a biscuit.

day 17: on the shelf
Atop some of my Heidi books 
is a pair of small wooden shoes that Ron's dad brought home from Germany where he served during WWII.
One shoe holds a thimble, the other a pin cushion. 

day 18: animal/insect
Pinky was stalking our hot dog roast, underneath and blending in with the black tables.

day 19: black and white
I put Bekah in black and white, portrait style.

day 20: colorful
My friend Jodi made this gorgeous appliqued table runner for me. I love it!

day 21: red
Red is everywhere at Chuck E. Cheese's!
Kristin and I have been taking the kids there once a summer for years. 
They insist that they have not outgrown it yet. :)

This week we have delivered a piece of furniture, had a grand sleepover, done lots of laundry, endured the heat, cleaned out some kitchen cabinets, and thought about a new school year.

What  has been happening in your world this week? 

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Click ~ here ~ to see how others are meeting the photo-a-day challenge!


  1. Popping over from Maryann's blog to visit. Love your pictures! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. I love this series. I thought I'd do it but it just hasn't worked out. I have a list of must/should do's that are not getting accomplished. Some MUST before the wedding is held here in 6-ish weeks! AHHHH!


  3. Mama Coffee has become a true highlight of each month for me! I love you, dear lady!

    Excuse me? Blueberry Butter? {drool} I think my imagination can taste that on a hot buttered biscuit!
    Pinky is a sneaky gal. Gotta watch her :-)
    That table runner is gorgeous! Jodi's work is so lovely.

    I went for a 7 mile walk with my husband on Monday. Does that count as "happening"? I am still feeling it.

  4. Skip the toast, I would eat that stuff with a large spoon! Never heard of blueberry butter, but just the words blueberry sold me. Enjoyed your photos. Sweet kitty. Nice portrait pic of Bekah.

  5. What fun to enjoy a kaffeeklatsch with Joanne! Nice sign, too. Blueberry butter...have never even imagined that!

    Now you have me wondering about the delivered furniture...

    Lovely photo of Bekah...

    1. Vee, it is what our family does. We move furniture from one home to another. I really should write a post about all of the furniture comings and goings of the last six months. No one would believe it though.

      The delivered furniture (this time) was a white wicker vanity with mirror and bench seat that had once belonged to my niece. Kati and Bekah had both used it (sans mirror) as a desk. But my mom just gave Bekah her great-great-grandfather's oak desk, so I asked my niece if she would like the vanity for her little girls and she did. So I delivered it to my sister's place and my niece was going to get it from her. :)

  6. Loved all your July photo challenge, I wanted to do this challenge, but knew I couldn't with this being my busy season, I am wishing I had done like you and Vee, weekly photos, I could have done this so well,!Or is that the way Katie set it up, I should have taken the time to check.
    I will be picking blueberries tomorrow, and the blueberry butter sounds yummy!
    I read your response to Vee's question of moving furniture, just had to smile as it is so familiar to me, I used to move things around so much, Dh was afraid to go into a dark room!
    Always a joy to visit,

  7. Cheryl, your Heidi books with the tiny wooden shoes are beautiful. Old books just beg to be opened and enjoyed. Your Mama Coffee with your friend sounds delightful. The photo of Bekah shows a lovely young woman growing up--that happens so quickly. Hopefully the weather was nice for you today also--what a gorgeous day after all the heat and humidity of the recent days. ♥

  8. Oh my, it's been years since we've been to a Chuck E. Cheese! Enjoyed all your choices for the challenge. That table runner is gorgeous!

  9. You did a fine job - it's so much fun seeing the challenge pictures! I'm with Ellen and in love with your table runner! Blueberry butter sounds wonderful.

  10. Taking another peek specifically in light of the photo challenge. I still love the black and white, but I didn't mention how my eye goes straight to the little wooden shoes on the books. And I noticed the books, too, which are among my favorites.

  11. Enjoyed all these photos and a peek into your life this week. That looks like my copy of Heidi!
