Wednesday, February 22, 2017


I am not tired of winter because of winter, but I am oh-so-tired of winter germs. 

Someone (usually more than one) in our family (I am speaking of the four of us, my daughter's family, my son's family, my parents) has been sick since January 24th! There have been multiple victims and multiple viruses: stomach bugs, colds, and the flu. There has been an abscessed tooth and a surgery. 

I know we're not alone. There are sick people all over the place! Are there more germs than usual this winter? It sure seems so.

"When illness hits we should remember that this period of time is part of the whole of life. This is not just a non-time to be shoved aside, but a portion of time that counts. It is part of the well person's life, as well as part of the sick person's life."  ~ Edith Schaeffer 

Indeed, although it is wearying to be the sick person and it is wearying to be the well person who is caring for others, it is truly time that counts. I pray that we have made the most of these times.

At our house, people are mostly well now, although I told someone last night, I suspect we'll be coughing until the cows come home. As we slowly climb out of the dark hole, the ordinary becomes extraordinary and we find great pleasure in simple things.

Clean bathrooms, for instance. Oh, how good that feels.

Getting back to (home) school. 

Hearing Bekah play the piano. Usually Bekah plays every day, all during the day. But yesterday when she sat at the piano and played a Chopin piece, our ears perked up and we realized that the piano had lain silent for many days. 

A nice meal. After days of eating carryout or what the least sick person felt like preparing, last night I cooked a turkey breast and roasted broccoli and Ron made mashed potatoes. We could hardly wait for Kati to come home from work so we could sit down to dinner. At the table, no less!

A new wreath on the front door. Yes, I know it is not spring yet. I know I'm jumping the gun. I was going to put it away . . . at least until March. But there it is and we are enjoying it.

Simple pleasures. 

What are the simple pleasures in your world in these waning winter days? 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

True Love

True love is when your husband who is recovering from surgery suddenly changes roles and becomes the nurse instead of the patient. No typical Valentine's Day here. Just some sort of ugly upper respiratory virus that has laid us flat. 

True love is when your daughter and daughter-in-law both reassure you that you shouldn't stress about having had everyone over on Sunday before The Crud hit in full force. 

True love is two pretty grandgirls showing up at the back door with a tray of hot soup and homemade bread for supper.

Romance and flowers and cards and chocolate and a nice dinner out: all good.

But true love is better. 

*  *  *  *  * 

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 
I John 3:18

(I'll be back when we're feeling human again.)

Friday, February 10, 2017

Parenting in Small Moments

I posted this five years ago, but it showed up on my Facebook news feed yesterday and it reminded me that parenting consists of small moments that are not so small . . . 

It was late morning and I wanted to know of Bekah's progress through her independent work so that I could plan our next steps. 

"Bekah, are you still working on your math?," I queried.

"Shh!," was her sharp response.

The tone seemed disrespectful.  But I silently began to reason.  She was working hard on a math problem.  It was frustrating to be interrupted.  I can appreciate the frustration of interrupted thought.  It was just her first response.  Surely she didn't mean to be disrespectful.  It is such a small thing.

Then I felt the Lord's nudging, that this attitude needed to be corrected. 

My thoughts turned.  I want her to do what is right.  It is "right" to honor parents.  I don't want to turn my head and look away.  It is better to correct an attitude before it has a chance to become a  habit.  It is my responsibility as a parent to train in righteousness, to "bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."  Do I want my Heavenly Father to correct me when I am wrong, for the good of my eternal soul?  Do I want the same for Bekah? 

I let Bekah finish her math lesson.  Then I asked for her attention, and had her look me in the eyes.  And I (gently, I hope) explained the idea of honor, that parents are not just "friends" and that I expect a respectful tone whenever she speaks to me or to her father.  The whole exchange took less than a minute.  No punishment was meted out, but there were tears in her eyes as she listened.  I think that she understood, and I believe that she will think before she reacts in a dishonoring way in the future. 

Why do I tell you all this?  This story of a seemingly small offense, and the seemingly small addressing of that offense? 

Because I believe that parenting is made of these seemingly small moments.  The moments when we choose to either turn away, or face the issue.  The moments when we decide what is important to teach.  The moments when we look at the big picture, and know that a small thing affects that picture.  The moments when we see our choices in light of eternity.  The moments when we feel the nudgings from the Lord. 

That is why I reposted To Young Moms earlier this week.  That is why I share this story.  Because this not-so-young-anymore mom is still learning, and still needs to heed His nudgings.  There is still important work to do.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What Fire?!

Years ago, one of Ron's coworkers answered the phone in the office. Without even saying hello, the employee on the other end said, "Don't worry. The fire is out!" which was startling because no one in the office even knew that there had been a fire. 😨 (And, yes, he did mean a literal fire.) 

I feel a little bit like that guy today when I say, "Don't worry. The surgery went well."

And that's why I've been scarce here lately.

The last week of January, Ron had the surgery on his left foot that he was supposed to have about 14 months before. Of course, after the first surgery and all of the complications that ensued, no one was ready for any such thing! But as time went on, he began to consider having the surgery that he needed. After praying for direction and talking with the surgeon back in the fall, the decision was made to prepare for surgery after the first of the year . . . with lots of extra precautions taken!

Nearly two weeks later, Ron is healing well! When we visited the doctor yesterday, he said, "My heart is smiling for you!"

The doc is keeping a tight rein on him, and he'll still be off from work for several weeks allowing plenty of time for rest and healing.

Life at Pineapple House is both restful and busy! (Does that make sense?) So during my unintended blogging break, I have been nurse, teacher, chef, and whatever-is-needed, and I am tired by day's end. Too much brain fog to write. As things settle down, I will be tiptoeing back into Blogland.

Here are a few peeks at our last couple of weeks . . .

Seen on our Sunday afternoon drive. Be still my heart.

Sweet birthday girl!

Lots of "dinner theater" (my friend Deanna's term) as Ron eats dinner from his recliner.

And that's my story about the fire.