Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Persistent Candle and the Polite Piñata

Because Kati often requests Mexican food for her birthday meal

and because we wanted a good excuse to have a pinata for the kids

we chose a Mexican theme for our November birthday celebration!

It was a lovely day of celebrating our November birthday people: Paul, Peter, and Kati! Family gathered, tacos, games, a sweet guest, Choco Tacos for dessert, lots of baby holding . . . all the makings of a festive afternoon!

Don't be fooled by Peter's melancholy face in this shot; he had a great time at his party!

See? 😊

"Hold me like a baby."

Then there was the candle that wouldn't extinguish! CrAzY, because I assure you that they were not trick candles. Kati's and Peter's blew out on the first try. Paul's, however, just wouldn't give up. 


Silly candle!



This is crazy!

Try again.

This BIG puff finally extinguished the flame! Whew!

And then there was the piñata.

I had bought a pull string piñata instead of the traditional whack-with-a-stick variety. (Only one of the cascading ribbons opens the trap door to the candy.)

First, each of the birthday peeps had a turn to pull a string.

No candy yet. So we let the others take a turn, from youngest to oldest.

No candy yet!

Still no candy! The suspense is mounting!

When it was Ryan's turn, he pulled a string . . .

and the trap door began to open, but also the hanger became dislodged and the whole thing crashed to the floor!

He picked it up and started to dump out the candy.

But do you see what is happening? 

You're right! Nothing!  

The kids all just stood around watching the candy scatter over the floor.

They started picking up a few pieces. 

It was the most polite piñata scramble ever!

So Sarah had to show them how it was done!  🤣🤣🤣

I love her!

P.S. There was even candy left over! It will be recycled as Grandy.


  1. Wow, what patient grands you have, Cheryl! I love how Sarah knows just what to do. Choco Taco got my attention as it looks wonderful. And the suspense photos of the crazy candle are darling. Big brother showed a lot of restraint not blowing out the candle for his brother!
    Your mantle looks so lovely for November. I really love the wheat in the glass hurricane.
    Happy Birthday to all the November babies! Oh, that photo of your daughter holding the wee one is precious. ♥

    1. Martha Ellen, Sarah had us in stitches! Choco Tacos are made by Klondike, and they were a hit. Thanks for all of your kind words, friend!

  2. So nice to see yet another happy family gathering/celebration at your place.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy November ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you . . . and a Happy November to you too, Lorraine!

  3. Was it that it wasn’t their favorite candy? Perhaps its being on the floor? Perhaps they are all so considerate of each other? Whatever! It provided some fun pictures and told a fun story.

    1. Hmmm . . . now you've got me thinking. I had assumed it was because no one wanted to push and shove, but maybe it was the candy selection! I'll need to do a poll! Haha!

  4. Such fun! I have never seen a piñata like that. I will have to look for one. That was so funny about the candle that wouldn't go out.

    1. I like this one LOTS better than the whack-with-a-stick kind! Less dangerous, less craziness, just as much anticipation and fun!

  5. Well that was fun! I never heard of a pull string pinata. I'm going to have to be on the look out for one. What a good sport Paul is. Glad that candle finally went out. Happy new week to you!

    1. The pull string kind is well worth looking for! All fun, no danger!

      Paul was so amused at his candle! (As were we all!)

  6. Your family always has the most fun birthday parties. Haha about the pinata and the 'too polite' celebrators. I never saw the pull string kind before, much better than the hitting one, especially in a small space where you don't want the wrong things hit.

    Happy birthday to the birthday people!!

    1. Thank you, Brenda! Yes, that is another advantage of the pull string type of piñata!
