Monday, January 14, 2019

House Projects Anyone?

Yes, I think of deeper things as the calendar turns from one year to another. The marking of time always causes me to reflect and evaluate.

But . . . 

We also put our heads together and plan house-y things! 

What projects are we hoping to do this year? What are our priorities? Which projects are feasible in the winter? Which ones should wait for warmer weather? What shall we start with? 

Typically, projects are put on hold during the holiday season. (There is enough to do without adding in paintbrushes and hammers and mess!)  So as the new year begins, we are ready to jump back in and we hash it all out and set our goals. 

This week (and maybe into the next?), because house projects are on the brain right now, I'd like to share a few posts about projects past and present. This is what I plan to share: 

A Recent House Project

(It's a small one.)

House Projects Completed at Pineapple House {Before and After} 

(This could end up being more than one post.)

House Project Goals 2019

What about you? Do you have house goals for the coming year? Do you get excited about house projects? 


  1. Cheryl, your projects are always exciting to see. We don't have a specific one planned yet. This winter I'm more in the stay cozy and lazy mood. Maybe that will pass, but if not I'm sure when gardening season begins we'll have outdoor plans. I'm looking forward to what's next at the Pineapple House! ♥

    1. I am having a hard time imagining you as "lazy," Martha Ellen, although I can easily imagine "cozy." But, isn't that one of the lovely things about winter? Life kind of slows down a bit from the hectic holiday pace. I think that's a good thing!

      Thanks for your encouraging words about our projects! We've done projects since our first years as a married couple. It seems there is always something to do!

  2. I have dozens of plans and not one of them will get done.

    1. Deanna, I am just picturing you with paint brush in hand, making your world more beautiful!

  3. Oh I can't wait to see what plans you come up with. We are currently in the midst of a Condo renovation. An investment purchase that we plan to rent out for a few years and then keep as an option for when it's our time to move off this old farm. It's been busy, messy, tiring, frustrating, interesting, and time consuming but we are certainly beginning to think about what sort of retirement living we could fall in love with someday! Hopefully I can put together a post on this project once it is completed.

    1. Oh, I do hope you'll blog about this project! It sounds exciting! (But I also get the "messy, tiring, and frustrating" part too!)

  4. Love to see a project done and hate doing them. With a passion. The mess and upheaval freak me out so I settle and that can’t be good. I love seeing projects at your place! 😁

    1. Indeed, the mess and upheaval are the down side to projects. But our projects over the years at the Farmhouse were SO intense and long-lasting (like moving walls and closing up doorways and reconfiguring the entire kitchen . . . yikes!) that paint jobs and a little building project seem like small potatoes. Maybe it's a matter of perspective. Or maybe we're just nuts! 🤣

  5. Your house projects are so well planned and executed. You are an inspiration. Things are evolving here at our country bungalow. The latest thing was adding some new wall art here and there. Keep up the good work! :)

    1. Thank you for those kind words! We do plan . . . and then sometimes, we just do a project on the fly. Keeps life interesting! :)

      Your recent photos indicate that you're doing a find job of making your new place into a home! It takes a while to get in the groove, doesn't it?

  6. Enjoyed the house project post..always enjoy the house tours. Love seeing your projects come to completion. You and Ron are so motivated. On a side had posted a chicken soup recipe several years ago and I have just made it in the last few months. Love it. This week I didn't have any carrots but I had a bag of frozen peas/carrot mix so I put some of that in the soup and it was very good...improvise and substitute..sometimes it works! Blessings, Sharon D.

    1. Thanks so much, Sharon! Fun to know that you're enjoying the soup recipe! (Is it the one with wild rice? It's been a while since I've made that myself!) I am always tweaking recipes; glad your substitution was a success!
