Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Celebrating Eighty Years!

We recently gathered to honor my mom for her 80th birthday! 

Years ago, Mom was babysitting a couple of neighborhood children for the day. The little boy, Curtis, asked her, "How old are you?" 

Mom: "How old do you think I am?"

Curtis: "About a million."

Mom: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ญ

At the time, Mom was 28, which shows that you should never ask a child to guess your age. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Mom, of course, is a far cry from Curtis's guess, but it has been a few years since that day when she was 28 years old!

Ryan (who asks good questions) asked Mom what was the best thing about being 80. 

"My family," said Mom. "Now that I am 80, there are more people in my family and it just keeps getting better." 

Ryan also asked her what were three highlights of her first 80 years. 

Her answers: 
1) Being saved
2) Her marriage
3) The births of her children

We asked Mom what her favorite trip was. She said that the trip to Israel had to be the first because of the spiritual significance. Her favorite "fun" trip, however, was the trip to England and Scotland with her sisters. 

Some family photos . . . 

Mom says that she never expected to live to be 80 years old!  But as part of God's plan, she did! She says she must still have work to do. I believe that too!

O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.  Psalm 71:17, 18 ESV


  1. This is such a precious post, Cheryl, Your Mom"s answer of what is the best thing of being 80, is priceless, I can only imagine the joy she has as she looks around her at these celebrations and sees her loved ones.
    Your Mom's answers to the highlights of her 80 yrs. are also heart warming, she seems to be and has been a shining example to all of her family.
    Birthday wishes and blessings to your Mom.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. I will be sure that she sees your kind words, Sue! I loved her answers too!

  2. What a lovely occasion. Your mother looks so well and, may I say, young!

    1. She may argue with you about that, but I agree with you . . . she does not look her age!

  3. Cheryl, your mother is a young 80 year old! She looks wonderful. I'm always impressed by her stylish attire. Her answers to the life questions are so thoughtful. How lovely your celebration looks--good food and fellowship with those that love one another. I must say I'm always surprised to see how much the babies have grown over the years! ♥

    1. Thank you, Martha Ellen! As I just said to Barbara, Mom may dispute this, but I agree that she is a young looking 80-year-old! She is always dressed to the nines!

      (Oh yes indeed, those babies grow so fast!)

  4. I think your mom is fun! She has style, too!

    I love her answers to the questions. More family/more fun!

    1. She is a stylish gal . . . and, yes, I loved her answers too! I'm so glad that Ryan thought to ask the questions!

  5. A delightful table setting! How wonderful to celebrate that many years.

    1. Thank you, Melissa! It was a fun celebration!

  6. I so remember my mothers 80 Jubilee. What a sweet post.

    1. Thank you! Those are sweet memories, I'm sure!

  7. Happy Birthday to your very stylish mom! She is making 80 look fantastic! Fun to think that, some fine day, Curtis will finally be right! ๐Ÿ˜ (This reminds me of a Christian comedian who asked his audience to imagine that there was a world that had not fallen. The he suggests that we are their Thursday night reality show. Ha!) Okay, that was neither here nor there. What a pretty party...lots of ideas for those hosting fun events. Love the desserts served in tea cups. Loved the questions and loved the answers. Good ones!

    1. The thought of a million years (or eternity!) is mind-boggling . . . and it puts life in perspective, doesn't it? Eighty years . . . fifty-nine years . . . sixty-three years . . . thirty-nine years . . . thirty-seven years . . . thirteen years. . . one year (some member of our family reached each of those milestones this August) . . . they're not so very far apart when compared to eternity! Just a "vapor." (James 4:14)

      Back to "now" . . .
      Yes, Mom is a stylish gal for sure! Thanks for your kind words about the party!

  8. “Then” he suggests not “the”

  9. How lovely your Mother is.I love your family celebrations.Bless you,Dawn E.Brown

  10. Well, Happy Birthday to your dear mom!! I would have never thought she was 80 or even close to it. I loved the answers to the questions asked of her. It is quite apparent she is dearly loved. I always enjoy the pictures you post of your parties...the food looks fabulous as usual!

    1. She is lovely, loving, and loved, Debby! Thanks for your kind words about our parties. We do enjoy them! :)

  11. Aw - such a lovely celebration and tribute. Your mom looks amazing! I love how your family celebrates with so much style and delicious looking food!

    1. Thank you, Rosella! We do love to celebrate! Mom does look amazing . . . and I hope she's reading all of these comments. :)

  12. Enjoyed this post... lovely to see your mom being celebrated. Enjoyed the questions she was posed and her answers.

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend...
    Brenda xox

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda! Hope your weekend was beautiful too!

  13. The food looks good and the celebration extra special for a wonderful young-looking mother of yours! I so well remember my mom's 80th. These celebrations are so honoring of the birthday people, but also wonderful for the younger generation to realize how important family and celebrations are. I hope your mom has many more wonderful years. She sure looks young as everyone has said.

    1. I like that perspective, Dotsie . . . that of celebrating to teach the younger generation about family and rejoicing in God's gifts!

  14. I love all the thoughtfulness that goes into the parties at your house! The cake was fabulous along with the tea cups filled with, ice cream?. Love that idea! Great questions and wonderful answers! Happy belated birthday to your mom!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! Ice cream would have been great in those tea cups (and in keeping with the traditional cake-and-ice-cream birthday dessert), but it was actually Lemon Cheesecake Mousse.

      (Recipe at the end of this post: http://thinking-about-home.blogspot.com/2013/03/gathering-follow-up.html)

  15. Stopping by again to see if my comment goes through. I tried a week ago and I got a prompt that it was undelivered. Anyway, I have enjoyed reading all of the special celebrations and seeing the photos of your sweet family!

    1. Hi, Lorraine! So sorry for the commenting snafus! I have comment moderation activated after one week, so I occasionally miss them. I went back and checked and I don't see another comment from you for this post, but I did find one that was published in the "Big Birthday Bash" post on August 7th.

      I do thank you for taking time to comment (again!) and for your kind words!

  16. What a precious gathering and celebration!!! Love!!!! So thankful!!!

    1. It was such a good day . . . and yes, we are thankful!!
