Wednesday, November 13, 2019

{30 Days of Thankfulness} Day 13

Is it odd to say that I am thankful for Thanksgiving? 

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year! 

It is celebrated during the glorious autumn season. I love dishes and napkins and tablecloths and a reason to use place cards. I love being with family and hosting family gatherings. The traditional Thanksgiving meal is sooooo good. But also, Thanksgiving is a holiday that is simple and straightforward; it is a low stress, one-day affair.

I think about the Thanksgiving table for weeks . . . sometimes as soon as the previous year's table is set. 

Hmmmm . . . this year we used the Grandmother Dishes, white napkins, and gourds of green and white, so next year we'll use Blue Willow and rust/orange . . . or Friendly Village and other brown transferware and burgundy mums. 

It is a thrill for me to ponder and plan. 

When November rolls around, it's time to get out the turkeys . . . and I am not talking about the one that will be carved on Thanksgiving Day!

I love my turkeys! 

My turkey candy mold is on the new (but really old) stepback cupboard this year. 

This turkey is a new one purchased on our Lancaster trip in September. I had packed him away and had forgotten about him, but Ron remembered!

Primitive Tom has made a November appearance ever since I made him in 2011. He moved into the living room this year, since there were several turkeys in the dining room.

The Thanksgiving Mice are ready for the grands to come and play.

There is one more thing left to do (besides food prep, of course). I have not yet hung our Thankful Tree and here it is nearly the middle of the month! I need to get busy with that . . . 

When it comes down to it, Thanksgiving is a time to focus on gratitude. But being thankful is an empty idea, merely a feel-good exercise in positive thinking . . . unless we are offering our thanks to the Giver of the gifts! 


  1. I wish we did something similar in England.

  2. It’s just fine with me to be thankful for Thanksgiving. 🙂 Your new turkeys are so he pewter? The primitive you made is darling.

    You have lots of dishes from which to choose. I have both sets of my grandmothers’ china; however, I never think to use Nan’s. I should, though. It’s just that the scenes on the Friendly Village set lend themselves so well to Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Have you planned your menu? Anything new? I am baking a new pumpkin pie this year and that is about the extent of my planning and baking.

    1. About the new turkey . . . he looks pewter, but doesn't feel pewter. I think he's a pretty good reproduction piece. :)

      I am going to make a broccoli casserole that is a family favorite from Andrew's family. This is the year that the newlyweds will spend Thanksgiving with us, so we wanted to be sure that we included something that is special to Andrew! Will you be spending the day with your son's family this year?

    2. Oh I wondered about what you said in comments. Well now you know! ☺️ I hope that the broccoli casserole is yummy. You must be getting excited to have the kids home this year. They’re going to alternate I take it as my son does. Too bad we must be fair. 🙃 What happens for Christmas? Maybe it is your year???

  3. I'm thinking and planning too! I will probably use my Friendly Village dishes but I just might have enough blue and white to use those! I LOVE the combination of the blue with orange!

    We are pretty traditional with our menu, no one new at the table this year (other than baby Kaidence) since Rachel is joining Wes's family for Thanksgiving this year. (sniff)

    I love your new turkey, and the one you made! Rachel and I nearly ran into a flock of wild turkeys crossing the road yesterday!

    1. So many choices! It's hard to narrow it down. I think I have decided on Blue Willow . . .

      I know you will miss Rachel at your Thanksgiving table. I am grateful that Kati and Andrew will be here. But, of course, that means that they will be spending Christmas with Andrew's family. It's all good! (But we can't help but miss them.)

      Wish I had seen your turkeys! I haven't seen any wild ones this year.

    2. Oh, it pays to snoop! There’s my answer. 😉

    3. We are carrying on several conversations in our comments today! 🤣

  4. Your love of Thanksgiving is evident in all of your plans, Cheryl! I think it's wonderful how you love your family with special gatherings. I'm sure they are thankful for you for preparing a lovely setting each year to give thanks.
    Darling turkeys are so sweet on the new/old step back cupboard. I'm sure they are happy to have a place in your home. ♥

    1. Martha Ellen, thank you for your (always) sweet comments! It is such a delight for me to prepare for Thanksgiving! My mom and my girls all contribute to the cooking. (Ron too. He makes the mashed potatoes.) So it really is a win-win for me!

  5. Fabulous turkeys. Love those little Thanksgiving mice! You make the holiday very special with all your thoughtfulness. I'm sure everyone enjoys sitting at your tables. I know I would... :)

    1. Awwww . . . thank you, Ellen! I would really love to have you at my table . . . at Thanksgiving or any other time!

  6. What a beautiful peek into your home as you gather for Thanksgiving. Many blessings for the week ahead. xox

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda! Many times, I would love for our American Thanksgiving to be in October like your Canadian Thanksgiving . . . mostly so that there would be a longer period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But, then, of course, it would already be over! I am so looking forward to that special day!
