Tuesday, November 26, 2019

{30 Days of Thankfulness} Days 25 and 26

It's been a busy month here and my "daily" posts have not always happened, but we're almost at the finish line and truly the easy part is finding reasons to be thankful. So I'll double up (again) tonight and I'll keep posting gratitudes for a few more days. 

Day 25:

I am thankful for these birthday boys, brothers whose birthdays are on consecutive days. Peter is 9 this year; Paul is 5. 

I am thankful for all of my grands. They bring us such joy. And I am thankful that their parents bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord

I am thankful for family gatherings. We gathered this past weekend to celebrate the November birthdays: the brothers and their Aunt Kati. I love when my people are gathered! 

Day 26:

I am thankful for good times in the kitchen today. The aroma of Thanksgiving. Happy smiles. The three of us cooking together. The new Collingsworth Family Christmas album on Spotify. 

Stuffing. ✔ Chocolate pie. ✔ Sweet potato pie. ✔ 


  1. Happy Birthday to all three birthday folk! How fun to have them all present. You have done an amazing job blogging your gratitudes, Cheryl. I am just selfish enough to wish that you would carry on through December. ☺ Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    1. "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High."

      It has been good to focus on my blessings this month! And, although I will not be posting daily in December (or almost daily with a few lapses 😉), I do hope that more frequent posting in November will help me get past my blogging slump. (Not really sure that "slump" is the best word, but with all of the changes and busyness of this past year, blogging sort of went off the radar!)

  2. Your grands are delightful! I love the photo of Kati and Bekah laughing and cooking and I read "chocolate pie!" Yum! Many reasons to be grateful!

    1. There have been many reasons to smile and, yes, many reasons to be grateful lately! About that chocolate pie? It was the most popular pie and we ran out about halfway through the line! Bekah is already planning to make two next year!

  3. It all looks beautiful. So happy to share the gratitude journey with you. Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. I am so happy that you have come along! It is good to share thanks!

  4. PS. I forgot to say in my previous note, you are the winner of the Advent calendar giveaway on my blog. Will need your email so they can send it to you. My email link is in the sidebar. Congrats!!

    1. Thank you, Brenda! I am so excited to open my calendar on Sunday! 😊

  5. Wow...so sweet, 12 grands! Happy Thanksgiving!!
