Sunday, December 8, 2019

Slow Decorating: The Christmas Tree

We began decorating for Christmas early last week . . . and then we fiddled around with it for days! 

A little here.


A little there. 

Looking at old photos on my blog.

More thinking.

Perusing old magazine clippings I've collected over the years.


That's how we roll, Bekah and I. 

(Does anyone else decorate s-l-o-w-l-y?)

But (other than the mess), we enjoyed the process! We played Christmas music (including lots of throwbacks to the 80's and 90's). We burned Woodwick candles for their evergreen aroma and for their cozy crackling sound. We may or may not have made a coffee run.

Slow isn't always bad! 

Before I talk about this year's tree, let me share one of the songs we played on repeat as we decorated. Oh my. Such a glorious message! "You are the long awaited One! You are Emmanuel!" 

Our first completed project: the Christmas tree.

We had talked about doing a theme tree this year. Not only was Bekah on board with it, it was her idea! It was going to be Colonial with dried fruits and pomanders, cranberry and popcorn garlands, dried flowers. But the Christmas season sneaked up on us and we didn't have all the things we needed, so we put that idea on hold until next year. 

Bekah "fluffed" the tree and strung the lights, but when she added the strings of red wooden beads that we've used for years, I just wasn't feeling them. So for this year, I decided to use plaid ribbon as a garland. I cut my ribbon in four-foot lengths and wove them through the tree. It was easy and it's a fun change . . . but I'll still look for faux cranberry garlands for next year. 

There was another change in this year's tree. We are missing  Kati's ornaments because she took her treasured collection to her new home! (You can read about our ornament tradition here.) So Bekah hung all of hers, and Ron and I dug deep in our box and pulled out some old ones . . . and somehow, we have enough!

Here are some favorites . . . 

This one represents our annual "Girls' Day Out" tradition.

One of Bekah's three piano ornaments

The chain saw man, representing the many, many years that Ron cut firewood to heat The Farmhouse.

One of my favorites. (I love sheep!)

Kati gave this one to us on our first Christmas at Pineapple House.

Granddaughter Maddie made this felt nativity.

Bekah loves Polish pottery.

This is Bekah's 2019 ornament, in memory of our dear Pinky who passed away in March.

To complement the plaid ribbon garland, I pulled out my plaid tree skirt. It was approved. :) 

Curious minds want to know:
Have you ever done a themed tree? How long does it take you to decorate your house for Christmas? 


  1. I am slow going this year, hope to finish today. I changed things a tad this year, but not much. Having a mantle shelf over the TV between two bookcases is something I am enjoying! The Nativity is there.

    Your tree is lovely and inspires me to work on mine, which is only about 2 1/2 ft. tall, decorated with special ornaments.

    Have a continued lovely Christmas season ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, I hope you'll share some photos of your Christmas decor on your blog! I'm sure you're enjoying your mew mantel shelf! In our other home, we had no mantel in our living room, so I decorated a tall cabinet as if it were a mantel. I always loved it!

  2. Yes, I have done a themed tree. Some years I like one; other years I’m in a different mood. Your future themed tree sounds lovely. It took me two weeks to decorate the tree. I am in very slow motion. 🐌 It sounds as if you and Bekah made an event of it. Perfect! Now back to listen to the music...

    1. When you're super slow, you might as well make an event of it! Everything is better with pretty music . . . and coffee!

      I'll be over to see if I can catch a glimpse of your decorated tree. I am sure that it was a labor of love and beauty!

  3. I have never done a theme, but I have a color scheme I've used for years now. Red, silver, and white. Plaid ribbon and ornaments when I can find them! I love your tree. Slow is okay. I used to do everything in a day! But now I take my time, and every year, regardless of what I do decorating wise, its just right for us.

    I'd love to come for a Christmas visit again this year, but not sure that would work.

    1. Your tree is always beautiful! Yes, I think you're right. Slow is okay. Sometimes I want to just do it all at once and move on, but that's not how I am wired and I am learning to enjoy the process.

      A Christmas visit would be delightful . . . we'll chat about this . . .

  4. Beautiful the ornament collection. Best Christmas wishes to you and your family! Sharon D.

    1. Thank you, Sharon! A blessed Christmas to you and yours too!

  5. Your tree is beautiful!!!! Love the plaid ribbon!!! Love your special ornaments <3 we have done this with our children for 30yrs now!!! Theme wise only our children's ornaments that are themed for them and with them for that particular year. Last year saw 2 children married, so 2 sets of ornaments missing from our tree. But, on a more joyful note they now decorate their own families trees <3!!! This year is v e r y s l o w in decorating.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Tammy! And you had TWO children married in the same year? Lots of changes at your house! You're right . . . it is sweet to think that those ornaments are decorating the tree of a brand new family! (Kind of nice to know that I am not the only s l o w decorator!)

  6. Such fun looking at your lovely tree playing the beautiful message in song, Cheryl! I love seeing the ornaments that relate to your family. Your plaid ribbon is so pretty as well as the tree skirt that is kitty approved.
    Yes, I take a long time decorating even though I don't change it up that much from year to year. We had light issues this year and fiddled with our tree for three days before crying uncle and bought new lights! I do a small bird tree every year and have done a gingerbread tree for the kitchen in the years past. Our big tree is always full of ornaments collected from our parents trees and our own family.

    1. Thank you . . . and I'm glad you enjoyed that throwback song, Martha Ellen! I loved the group "Truth" back in the day, and the message is timeless. It is fun to share some of "my" music with Bekah . . . especially when she enjoys it too!

      Oh my goodness. Christmas lights have been a frustration here more than once (although not this year, thankfully). Even our pre-lit tree had lights that went out! Ugh. (Isn't that the point of pre-lit?) I remember seeing photos of your beautiful big tree and your sweet collection of Shiny Brites!

  7. I've never done a themed tree. Yours is beautiful! When our children left home and took their ornaments with them, our tree looked a little empty, too. But we love seeing all the ornaments collected over the years when we go visit the children. No tree here yet, so it's slow decorating, too.

    1. Thank you, Lorrie! After reading my comments, I feel like I'm in good company with my slow decorating! Yes, it is fun to see the ornaments on the children's own trees. It's kind of like a little walk down Memory Lane . . .

  8. Cheryl, your tree is gorgeous and the tartan plaid ribbon is such a lovely touch. And yes, I am a tweaker...for days...and days...and days. LOL!

    1. Thank you, Debby! I love that you tweak too! 😊

  9. So lovely. I don't think I've ever done a themed tree except for one year the theme was super simple tree. I think I need to find one of those chain saw men! Love the ribbon!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! Hope you find a chain saw man for your own woodcutter!
