Monday, April 13, 2020

Resurrection Sunday | 2020

What a different holiday it was, spent in isolation because of the coronavirus. At last year's Easter table, there were twenty-two people. At this year's, there were three.

But our reason to celebrate was the same! 

Christ the Lord is risen today! Alleluia!

Many years ago, we switched from "Easter baskets" to "First-Day-of-Spring Baskets," reserving Resurrection Day for spiritual emphasis in our celebrating. This year, however, it seemed right to add a little extra sweetness to the day. 

Bekah wears dresses almost every day of the year, so why not wear a pretty dress on Easter Sunday, even if you are going to be at home? 

Pretty Bekah . . . on her last day of being eighteen. (Her birthday is today!) 

Our family photo.

We worshiped with our church family . . . remotely.

Did I say there were three of us? Make that four. 🐱

We placed a lamb on our Easter table, signifying the spotless Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! 

We had a traditional Easter dinner: ham, potato salad, deviled eggs, ambrosia, and roasted asparagus. Usually my mom makes the potato salad and we all agree that it is the BEST in the world! I tried to replicate it, with a modicum of success . . . but everyone agreed that I didn't quite get it. 

We made a little coffee run in the afternoon. (Coffee is still considered an "essential service." Right?)

We watched an Easter classic, Ben Hur.

Dessert by Pepperidge Farm.

Apologies to my Facebook friends for this rerun! I hadn't planned to post any of these on my blog. I have been struggling with answering comments and with commenting on other blogs. I sometimes feel like I am just adding more words to what has already been said. I hope that my blogger friends will give me grace . . . and I promise to extend that same grace! 

But . . . I enjoy getting glimpses into people's lives during this time. I am encouraged by your efforts to keep on serving others and honoring the Lord. And so I post today with the hopes that you might be encouraged by a peek into our corner of the world. 

It will be good to look back at these days and have some lovely things to remember!


  1. It was a lot different for us also this Easter..just the two of at home for a quiet day. Did get to visit our son and wife and grands via that app. Loved seeing your lovely Easter table and meal. Thankful for God's blessings..He is still in control. Blessings, Sharon D.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. "Quiet" is the new normal, isn't it? But yes, so good to know He is in control!

  2. hello, we have had 20-25 the last several Easters, but just 2 yesterday.
    Those Pepperidge farms cakes are really good, aren’t they?

    I think your lamb centerpiece is perfect.

    1. Thank you, Rhonda. I love decorating with lambs for Easter.

      Pepperidge Farm cakes are quite good . . . especially when you don't feel like baking (which I didn't). 😉

  3. A similar day for us too. What a pretty dress Bekah is wearing, so nice to see. Your meal looks delicious!

  4. Replies
    1. Ambrosia is a salad made with fruit, mini marshmallows, and coconut. Ours had canned pineapple and mandarin oranges . . . and then I threw in some sliced banana at the last minute!

  5. We went from all of the kids and grands last year to just the two of us this year. We still had a ham, asparagus and sweet potatoes. We also worshiped online with our church. Hoping we can have our family together here for the 4th of July, but who knows?

    1. Your day sounds similar to ours. Oh, how I hope we can gather this summer!

  6. Happy Birthday to your darling daughter! It's lovely to see her pretty dress. Your table is lovely even though three souls and one sweet kitty shared the day. It was a quite different day for our family of three as well. Thank goodness Skype helped us all connect and celebrate together.

    1. Thank you, Martha Ellen . . . and I will pass your birthday greetings to Bekah! "Different" is a common thread with all of us, isn't it? So glad you were able to connect through Skype!

  7. Aw - Happy Birthday to your Bekah. This certainly has been an Easter to remember. Your dinner looks lovely. Oh how I miss my grandchildren and family gatherings but we have to do this! The churches were empty but so was the tomb! Hallelujah!! He lives indeed.

    1. Indeed . . . "so was the tomb!"

      Thank you for your kind words, and I will be sure to pass along your birthday greeting to Bekah! We will never again take a family gathering for granted, will we?

  8. Looks like a wonderful Easter with just the four of you. The food looked delicious. Happiest of birthdays to Bekah! Lovely young lady. So glad our God and Savior are the same no matter how the world changes.

    1. Your comment brought this verse from Malachi to mind: "For I am the Lord, I do not change." Comforting Words of truth!

      Thanks for your kind words, and I will give Bekah your birthday greetings!

  9. It was just the two of us for dinner, and it felt odd. Still we celebrate the Resurrection. Happy Birthday to Bekah!

    1. There is much that is odd about these days. So much. But "still we celebrate the Resurrection." Yes!

      I'll give Bekah your birthday greetings!

  10. We had a "free" ham from our local grocery from store points, so we had a 7 1/2 pound ham for two people! Guess what was made out of that.... 2-3 meals worth, sandwiches on homemade rolls, then 2 big pots of soup; ham and bean, and split pea and ham. I'm stocking the freezer.
    I'm sure you've seen the Facebook post "Just so I NEVER forget"... a long list of things happening in our country, as a means to remember in the future. I printed it out for my personal Journal and also the song "We Will Remember" by Tommy Walker. It's about God and the works of His hands, we will stop and give Him praise, for great is His faithfulness. Link is here:
    Yes, thank you for sharing lovely things.

    1. You're getting a lot out of your "free" ham! Good for you! (Free tastes good, doesn't it?)

      I am heading to YouTube to listen to this song. I don't think I have heard it . . .

    2. Thank you for sharing that link, Melissa! Such soul-strengthening words!

  11. Happy Birthday 🎉 to Bekah! Your Easter looked great to me. Very different...yes, but also wonderful. There were just two of us here and I am so glad that my daughter provided the delicious meal, brought it to me, and stayed with me so that we could enjoy it together. Many blessings this week!

    1. It was. Different, but good. I am glad that yours was too, and that you were able to share it with Laurel!

      I will pass along your birthday greetings to Bekah!

  12. cake and coffee. thank God for the small blessings in life! I say, "the best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!"

    1. You too? I have been known to say to my husband, "I want to go to bed so that I can wake up and have a cup of coffee." 😊

  13. Thank you for sharing pictures of you quiet Easter this year. In your simple Easter celebration, you've given me things to think about. I love the idea of First-Day-Of-Spring baskets! And I love that you have a lamb on your table to represent the Lamb of God. And how good that you had your daughter home with you to celebrate her 19th birthday! Our sons are out of the house now and celebrating three April birthdays (in person) are out of the picture. And lastly... as I close this post I glanced at your comment above where you mention looking forward to a cup of coffee in the morning and I'm chuckling. What sweetness there is in everyday pleasures.

    1. Thank you for visiting and chatting for a bit! You have three sons who all have April birthdays?! What fun . . . and what a busy month! (It sounds like our family's August. My husband and I and our first two children were all born in August. My mom has an August birthday. And two of our grandsons. Not to mention there are three wedding anniversaries . . . my parents', ours, and my daughter/son-in-law's. Craziness.)

      Indeed, such sweetness in everyday pleasures.

      I think I might have a second cup this morning . . .

  14. You are so sweet!
    PS, your Easter table was perfect.

  15. I think I might be losing my mind but I thought i read this before and commented--but maybe it was through FB? Anyway, I loved seeing your Easter celebration and loved it that you all dressed up.

    1. Haha, Dotsie . . . you are NOT losing your mind! You did comment on Facebook. Sorry for the double post. I hadn't planned on doing that, but then I did. So thanks for the double comment!

      About being dressed up, I say this, "I am my mother's daughter." Really, Mom's look far exceeds my everyday look, but she did set the example of looking nice and put together every day, even when you're at home. It just so happens that my "put together" includes jeans. Bekah picked up the baton, however, and looks cute every single day, mostly in dresses. 💃

  16. oh Cheryl.. your Resurrection Sunday celebration is lovely. the churches may be empty but so is the tomb! praise God! like you, our dinner was simply a table set for two but counting the Lord there was three for wherever two or more are gathered in My name.... blessings.

  17. one more thing. that Pepperidge Farm cake?

  18. Happy Belated Birthday to Bekah! Love to see a "girly" girl...she is so lovely. And your feast looks amazing! Blessings!

    1. Thank you! And you have got that right . . . Bekah is definitely a "girly" girl! I'll pass along your birthday greetings.
