Friday, May 29, 2020

Five on Friday

When I lose my blogging mojo, I find that a Five on Friday is a good way to just hop back into Blogland without a lot of explanations or fanfare. So here we go . . .

Our oldest grandchild graduates from high school this weekend!

I can hardly believe that Gavin is old enough to graduate. Or maybe I should say: I can hardly believe that I am old enough to have a grandchild who is graduating! Since my youngest child graduated only a year ago, it feels like a quick turnaround. (The difference in Bekah's and Gavin's ages is only twenty months.)

But regardless, Gavin is graduating and we could not be more proud of this young man!


So while I'm talking about grandchildren, I'll go ahead and pop in a photo of my youngest grandchild Caleb. You're not surprised at all, are you?

By the way, we still haven't met this wee one in person, but plans are in the works . . .


About a month ago, I picked up a project that had been languishing for about four years. I set myself a ridiculously low goal to complete one penny (that's what the little circles are called) per day. Some days that's all I did, but some days I did more and now all of the pennies are done and I am stitching them onto the black wool mat.


Is it even Five on Friday if I don't include a cat photo?


I have been loving this "30 Days of Hymns" calendar (Little Things Studio) that Kati and Andrew sent me for Mother's Day. The artwork is lovely, yes, but oh how I love the hymns! Most are familiar, but there are a few that are new to me, so each evening (that we remember), we find the day's hymn on YouTube and sing along or listen and learn.

I had forgotten how much I loved Day 18's hymn! I'll put it here as a bonus so that you can listen to it too!

Hard things . . . hard things . . . going on all around us. Life is never easy. Life's road is up-hill. But He has promised new mercies every morning. He has promised to be faithful.

These words from Scripture are speaking to my soul today . . .

This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope. 

Through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, 
Because His compassions fail not. 
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness. 

"The LORD is my portion," says my soul,
"Therefore I hope in Him!"

The LORD is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him.
It is good that one should hope and wait quietly
For the salvation of the LORD. 

Lamentations 3:21-26


  1. A lovely scripture, thank you Cheryl. It is hard all over the world at the moment, but we will get through. With His help.

    1. I believe that, Barbara. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

  2. That is one big beautiful boy! Know you are so anxious to see him. Blessings, Sharon D.

    1. Soooooo anxious. It does help that plans are in the works!

  3. What a beautiful baby. I am sure you can hardly wait to see him.


  4. Congratulations to Gavin, May all his wishes and dreams come true!
    Wow, Cheryl, Caleb is really growing, Praying you get to see him soon!
    I certainly relate to slackness in blogging, at least you and I are still here. ~smile~
    Have a blessed evening,

    1. Thank you, Sue! Time flies, doesn't it?!

      You're right, you know. Blogging ebbs and flows, but we're hanging in there. 😊

  5. A lovely jump-in post, Cheryl. Lovely to see the oldest and the youngest of your grandkids. Both on their own path of life.

    I'm so grateful his mercies are new every morning.

    Happy weekend.
    Brenda xox

    1. Thank you, Brenda! Sometimes the only way is to just jump in! Along with you, I am so grateful for His new mercies!

  6. So happy to see a post from you. Congratulations to you dear grandson upon his graduation. COVID graduations will be historical for sure. Love seeing little Caleb! And happy to hear plans are in the works for you to be able to hold and cuddle him. I have to say that I have been saying "Lord Come Quickly" these days more and more. God has everything in His hands so I'll rest in that...

    1. Thank you, Ellen! This graduation was certainly a product of the times, but special nonetheless and full of fun moments! Gavin enjoyed it (maybe even more than a traditional program?) and I'm grateful for that.

      "Lord Come Quickly" is a good prayer . . . and resting is a good response.

  7. Congratulations to the graduate 🎓! One feels so bad for 2020 graduates with no pomp and circumstance. Those 2020 doughnuts look tasty. I'm sure Gavin will enjoy eating one or two.

    My goodness! Little Caleb is so alert! He seems to be really focusing on his mobile. Praying that you have a soon meeting. I know that you're eager to see him and his parents.

    Yes, things seem to be heating up rather than cooling down. I saw that video of your gov's new edicts today. So you can have your hair styled, but not cut... Ha! That went over like a lead balloon.

    As you are always quick to point out, God is in control. It is impossible for Him to be anything less than faithful.

    1. As I just told Ellen (above), the graduation was certainly affected by the times, but it was special and even had some extra fun thrown in! Gavin was happy and that makes me happy.

      Sooooo eager, but it helps that plans are in the works!

      The Maryland governor? Some shops have been open for a couple of weeks now. I was (thankfully) able to get a haircut this week. (My last haircut was on February 25th and I usually get my hair cut every five weeks. I looked like a shaggy dog.)

      God's faithfulness . . . an incredible, awesome (in the truest sense of the word) comfort! "Oh for grace to trust Him more!"

  8. It's lovely to see a post from you, Cheryl! It's hard for me to bring myself to post lately--so glad you did!
    Congratulations to Gavin! Indeed it is sobering to see our grands grow so quickly. How wonderful you will be visiting your newest! I'm praying it will be soon, my friend.
    God's mercies do abound. Thank you for your encouraging posts.

    1. Thank you, Martha Ellen. You'll know when it's time. (Thinking of those verses in Ecclesiastes 3 . . . "a time to speak and a time to be silent" and so on.)

      We were talking at dinner today about one daughter who has a son who has graduated and on the cusp of adulthood . . . and one daughter who has a son at the very beginning of life. How we love them both (and all the ones in between) and how quickly the time passes.

      I am glad those words of Scripture encouraged your heart as they did mine!

  9. I'm very late reading this but I wonder what you will do with those sweet felt pennies. Congratulations on your grandson's graduation! And I loved seeing your mother's day hymn gift!

    1. The pennies are being made into a small mat/runner. I am slow, but I am getting close to the finish!

      I may be slow, but those grands sure grow up fast!
