Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas Mantel | New Stockings


This year, as always, I created a Della Robbia style mantel. This one has greens, fruits, pine cones, seed pods, and berries. 

But this year's mantel has a new addition . . . actually three additions because I finally got around to making new Christmas stockings! 

I have planned to make stockings for years. The first year we moved to Pineapple House, I bought a coverlet style throw for the material to make them. But that Christmas came and went with no new stockings made. Since then, the throw has actually been used as a throw and it was used as a tree skirt a couple of times, but it was not used for Christmas stockings.

But this fall, on one of my antiquing forays with Barbara, I found a green coverlet patterned stocking! Finding it was the impetus I needed. I purchased it and used it as a pattern to make two more from the red throw.  

(I had a little "help.")

So on our fifth Christmas here at Pineapple House, we finally have Christmas stockings to hang on the mantel! 

You know how misery loves company. 😉 Do I have any fellow procrastinators out there? Are there Christmas projects that you intend to do year after year? How have you found the impetus to start and/or finish them? 


  1. Answering your questions, Cheryl. Yes, Yes and No.
    Your stockings look great!

    1. Thank you, Barbara . . . for your kind complement and for your confession. 😉

  2. Absolutely beautiful, Cheryl, yes, I have procrastinated and am still procrastinating on Christmas projects, and since Christmas is next week, I guess it will have to wait once again until next year!~wink~
    Enjoyed reading some previous posts,

    1. Thank you, Sue! I can hardly imagine you procrastinating because you accomplish so many things, but if you say it is so, then I believe you! Yes, we'll wait until next year!

      Hope you're having a blessed Christmas season!

  3. The Della Robbia mantle is beautiful, Cheryl. It reminds me of Colonial Williamsburg homes we have visited. The coverlet fabric is perfect for the charming stockings. I think there are too many procrastinated projects to mention here at my home! Though, looking at your mantle certainly makes me want to bring in some fresh greens for our mantle. It's always lovely to see your style.

    1. Martha Ellen, you are so kind! Being mentioned in the same phrase with Colonial Williamsburg is high praise! 😊 I have to confess, though, that my greens are faux. I want to keep them up too long to use real ones. Colonial Williamsburg would not approve. 😉

  4. Love the mantle and the stockings! At least you hung on to that vision. Many of my visions come and go before they are realized. :) Kitty looks regal sitting on the fabric.

    1. Thank you, Ellen! Always thinking, always dreaming . . . sometimes accomplishing!

      Manzy could not resist sitting on that fabric. Very cat-like behavior!

  5. They look great! Your home is always beautiful and at Christmas it really shines!

  6. Lovely, classic, prim look. You stay so focused on the style you love. My home is a hodge podge of unrelated decor.

    Procrastination? That's my middle name. Tree still staring at me darkly. I don't even put on the lights. I do have a few packages wrapped. Two. Two packages wrapped. 🙃

    1. Thank you, Vee! (But I love your "hodge podge" . . . it is a collected look and very warm and inviting!)

      Procrastination kindreds, you and I.

  7. Your Christmas stockings turned out so nice and I love seeing your quaint decorating it does my heart good. Yes, I am a procrastinator. Today I'm hoping to start some Christmas baking. Can't put it off any longer. Have a wonderful Christmas ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks so much, Lorraine!

      Sounds like I am in good company with the procrastination thing! Happy baking!

  8. My husband remarks off and on about my ability to procrastinate. I think it should be an Olympic event. ;)

    Your home looks beautiful and I love the stockings!

    1. Thank you so much, Brenda! And I love that Olympic event idea! I could medal!

  9. five years at pineapple house already? time flies... gracious sakes. beautiful job on the stockings and i love the fabric used. your mantel is warm and welcoming. hoping this Christmas season offers unexpected blessings.

    1. Thank you, Sherry for your words of blessing!

      We will have been here five years in April, but it is our fifth Christmas. Nevertheless . . . it's crazy how quickly time passes!

  10. Your mantel looks beautiful!!! <3 ~tammy

    1. Thank you, Tammy! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  11. Another lovely project that looks so nice. The mantle is very pretty too! Colonial Williamsburg would be proud of this!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! That is so sweet of you to say!
