Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Pineapple House | Christmas Tour 2020

As I do each year, I am inviting you into Pineapple House today for a look around. We have certainly not had many house guests during this strange year of Covid-19, so I am glad that I am able to invite you here online. You'll just have to take my word that the house smells like pine (thanks to a pine candle), the coffee is on, and there are a few treats to choose from while you visit. Let's turn on some music, shall we? We have listened to this album a lot this December!   ~ click here for music ~

From the back door, you will come into our kitchen. 

You can read all about our kitchen remodel ~ here ~ ,
but if you're just here for the Christmas house tour, have a look around!

This corn husk nativity is one of our oldest Christmas decorations, older than a couple of our children! 
I love its rustic charm.

The island holds the beginnings of my newest collection: stone fruit.

These hand-carved trees were made by my 10-year-old grandson Peter!

Now we're talking! We've made it to the coffee station.

Bring your coffee into the dining room. You can sit and sip at the table as you look around.

You can read about the sideboard that Ron made ~ here ~.

We still love our stepback cupboard and I looked forward to decorating it for Christmas again this year.

You may remember me talking about this pesky wall
Well, after five tries, I think we're finally happy with it! (I'll be sharing more about that in January.)

I cannot wait until we're able to gather and sing around the piano again!

If you've finished your coffee -- or even if you haven't -- come on into the living room and find a comfy chair.

Yes, we switched to a tabletop tree this year and I'm not sorry about it!

The stockings are new too. (Finally.)

I treasure the olive wood nativity that our son Ryan brought us from a trip to Israel.

Now I'll stop talking and let you wonder around a bit. 

Thank you, friends, for joining me at Pineapple House today! 

I don't know about you, but our Christmas plans have changed multiple times, even this week. Who knows what each day will bring? And that is one lesson that keeps coming home to me during the past nine months: the fact that we must hold our plans loosely. Of course, that has always been the case. Life is uncertain and we are not, and never have been, in control. The events of this year have simply illuminated that fact! But the beauty in that lesson is that our loving Lord is, and always has been, in total control. There is nothing that has caught Him by surprise, and nothing that He will not use for the good of those who are His. That brings me great comfort. 

He is trustworthy. 

He is Immanuel. "God with us."

Merry Christmas to you and yours as you celebrate Immanuel! 

{All of my Christmas house tours can be found ~ here ~.}