Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

Yesterday I woke to a message from my sister Linda (because she is up hours before I am) sending me a link to some albums she thought I'd enjoy on Spotify. It was the perfect day to listen to some new music (although it really wasn't "new" to me because I had enjoyed it in the 1990's 😊), because I was taking a little road trip to make a Marketplace purchase and would spend several hours alone in the car.

So I chose one of the albums (Hymns & Choruses Volume 3 by the Maranatha Singers) and never got any further because I have played it on repeat and it is playing as I type.

I can't tell you how much the words of these songs have ministered to my spirit. I have a lot of favorites! Linda's favorite is How Great Thou Art/Be Exalted O God, and I love that one. Ron loves He Giveth More Grace/He Is Our Peace and I love that one too. (I told you I have a lot of favorites.)

But one of the songs that really spoke to me is O God, Our Help in Ages Past/To Every Generation. The words echo those of my favorite psalm: Psalm 90, a prayer of Moses. The psalm begins like this . . .

Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.

The idea of the Lord being our dwelling place captured my thoughts. He is the place where we live. He is our home. He is our safe place. He is our tower of refuge, our shelter. And, He has been the dwelling place in all generations. That is so reassuring to me! He is not just the dwelling place for the men and women of the Bible, not just for the early church, not only for our ancestors who loved God or for our grandparents and great-grandparents. Ron's mom passed away one year ago yesterday, and so she was on my mind as I drove and as I listened and sang. I am thankful that He was a dwelling place for her! But He has been the dwelling place in all generations. For me! For my children! For my grandchildren!

Sometimes we look around at our dark world and it can look scary. We had a dinnertime conversation recently about how very quickly our world (and the "church") has changed and now wholeheartedly accepts the same things that once brought shame. And yet, as dark as this world is, the Lord God Almighty remains a dwelling place today (in all generations) for all who put their trust in Him and enter His rest. I don't have to fear for my grandchildren who are born into this world of sin. Oh yes, I do have to pray for them, that they will see their sin and their need of Him and that they will walk with Him. But the fact that He remains the dwelling place, a shelter, has not changed "from everlasting to everlasting"!
O God, Our Help in Ages Past/To Every Generation

I was happy with my Marketplace purchase, and then I stopped at an antique store that I had not visited in some time and found a few treasures. But the real treasure yesterday was singing to the Lord, pondering deep truths, and having my spirit strengthened by those truths. 

. . . be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lordgiving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .  Ephesians 5:18b-20

I encourage you today to sing some psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs! Maybe you're not a fan of these 90's versions of the old hymns or choruses. That's okay! Just search for some music that you find beautiful, music that speaks words of truth, and let it sink into your heart.


  1. I began singing in the car on my way to work last fall, and it was a combination of old hymns, choruses, and more modern songs. It was a lovely way to begin my day, and I heartily concur with your recommendation.

    1. I remember you saying that, Lorrie! It is such a profitable way to spend that time!

  2. We've put in a couple of the oldies but goodies from Maranatha music and others and it always is good to sing and worship with them. Great post, I'm going to come back and read it again in the morning when my brain is more alert.

    1. I have more Maranatha music coming up! I kind of got stuck on that particular album, but I have promised Ron to play a different one today. (His attention span is not as long as mine when it comes to music. Of course, mine is unusually long because I can listen to the same album for six months or more. 😊)

  3. I always keep a song tape in my car, and it raises the spirits to sing along. Lara Martin is a favourite of mine.

    1. It does raise the spirits, Barbara! I am not familiar with Lara Martin . . . I will try to find some of her music and have a listen.

  4. That was a blast from the past and a wonderful one at that. (I think I began listening to the Maranatha singers in the 🤫 70s. You found great treasure in Psalm 90. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Yes, the project I was listening to was made in 1993 (the year my Kati was born!), but the Maranatha Singers were recording well before that. Such good music! Thanks for enjoying that blast from the past with me, Vee!

  5. I love to listen to music that shares the truth! Sarah always has great music on her phone. I miss the days of driving her to work at 5:00, listening and both of us singing along to those truths! I do love the words to the Old Hymns, as so many were based straight on the scripture!

    1. What a way to start the day off! I'll bet you do miss that time of singing and togetherness!

  6. I enjoyed listening to the songs you linked to. I think I was introduced Maranatha! (and the like) in the 80's when hubs and I were young marrieds. I am thankful to have as part of my heritage being raised on hymns played majestically on a large pipe organ and singly along with the robed chancel choir. From a child I loved the richness of Sunday morning music, and traditionally sung hymns still move me. That said, I enjoy more modern renditions of the great hymns, too. Thank you for sharing the music and your thoughts here, Cheryl. :)

    1. Becki, so glad that you enjoyed the music too! I don't have the pipe organ and chancel choir background that you have, but the words of truth are what move and strengthen the heart! (And I love choir music, so I am sure I would enjoy hearing them sung traditionally too . . .)
