Friday, April 30, 2021

Celebrating a Small Thing

If you've been visiting Thinking About Home for even a little while, then you know that we love to celebrate God's gifts. Birthdays. Babies. Holidays. Big occasions. Small occasions. 

Today Bekah and I celebrated one of the latter. A small occasion. 

After watching the nesting Canada geese all around our corner of the world this spring, we decided that we'd celebrate the first goslings we sighted with coffee smoothies from our favorite coffee shop. 

Many people consider Canada geese a nuisance. There are quite a few of them around, they are messy, and they can be feisty. But Bekah and I kind of like their spunk, and we admire that they mate for life. Earlier in the season, as she drove to work, Bekah passed a lone goose in a parking lot for several days in succession. She worried that it was injured. Why else would it hang out in a busy doctor's office parking lot? Then one day she texted me that all was well with the goose! She had spotted another goose just barely visible among some shrubs. The parking lot goose was simply keeping watch over his growing family. 

And how can we not ooh and ahh over groups of downy little goslings strutting along with their parents? 

Last Sunday, we spotted the first little feathered family.

And this afternoon, we celebrated! 

Do you ever celebrate the small things? 


  1. Yes, always. Sometimes it's the little things that are worth celebrating more than the big things.

    1. That is so true! God's daily graces . . .

  2. We do! And I think we ought to become even more aware of the small things worth celebrating every day.

    1. I agree with you, Mrs. T! I pray for eyes that see His goodness!

  3. Sometimes.

    I like your celebration. I never would have thought to be grateful for Canada goslings, but you're giving me ideas.

    1. Maybe you would celebrate different things, but yes, go ahead and celebrate some other gift!

  4. I love this! What a fun tradition. I'll keep my eyes peeled for goslings. Right now I'm hoping to see fawns. Happy May to you!

    1. Happy May to you too! Hope you see those fawns too . . . they are precious!

  5. Celebrating the little things in life certainly comes from a grateful heart, my friend. I love that you and Bekah share the little things that are really the big things.

    1. Martha Ellen, I pray for eyes to see His blessings, big and small. It is delightful to share those blessings with Bekah!

  6. I am often in awe of small things, but I don't know that I "celebrate" them. Is there a difference? You inspire me to think about this question, and maybe look for ways to practice celebrating. I'll get back to you. ;^)

    1. Becki, that is a good question! I am thinking that the most important part is to notice the small things and be grateful. The "celebrating" part is lots of fun, but we can't celebrate everything with a coffee smoothie!

  7. Aw - this is so fun! We have been watching for some goose families over here too but never thought to celebrate with a yummy coffee smoothy at the first sighting. What a great idea! We MUST celebrate the little things ...

    1. As I just said to Becki (above), I suppose we can't celebrate everything with a coffee smoothie, but we can certainly can choose to look for His blessings! (And it sure is fun to make a few things coffee-smoothie-worthy!)

  8. I always love to celebrate little things. Actually these are also helpful in reducing stress.

    1. Yes, I think that looking for His blessings does a great deal in helping our attitudes and reducing stress, Razu!

  9. Oh yes, I love to celebrate the small things. I'm glad you do too. I do love the Canada Geese, they are always a joy to see and hear when they migrate back every spring. One pair on the lake behind us already has goslings. Besides the poop, they leave a lot of joy in their wake.

    1. Exactly! :)

      And I can totally imagine you celebrating the small things!
