Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Resurrection Sunday | 2021

Resurrection Sunday was a lovely day of celebration! 

At church, and later with our family as we gathered around our long table, we sang the joyous words of "Christ the Lord is Risen Today!" If you'd like to sing along or even just listen, click the link below. I'll pop the words in among a few photos of our day. 

Christ the Lord is Risen today! Alleluiah! 
Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!  

Our family photo 

As an aside, I cannot tell you have much we have laughed at the people on the left of our family photo looking like Hobbits! Actually the whole photo is distorted. Was the ground uneven? Was the camera tilted slightly on the tripod? Our photographer friends are probably shaking their heads, but here we are and it's a record of our day. 

Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth replay, Alleluia!

Kristin and family, minus Gavin who is at college

Ryan and family

Kati and family, from afar

Bekah with us

Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!

Some family fun!


By the time Gammy and Gampy arrived, the littles were totally over the photo session. (And this is the best shot!) But again, it's a record of our day and of our loved ones. 

Death in vain forbids Him rise, Alleluia!
Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!

Sing a verse with us? 

Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!

Joanna's first Resurrection Day at one week old!

Baby-holding . . . 

. . . and more baby-holding . . . 

. . . and more baby-holding.

Once he died our souls to save, Alleluia!
Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia! 

Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluiah! 
Following our exalted Head, Alleluia! 

Judah looks happy with his chocolate eggs!

Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!  

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

It has been a beautifully busy season for our family. The coming of our new grandbaby. Extra days off for Bekah which led to a couple of outings. Special holiday preparations. All good! But all of that good means that I have been rather scarce in Blogland. I will do my best to pop in and visit my blog friends this week! I hope that you rejoiced in the significance of the Resurrection this past weekend . . . and every day! 


  1. What lovely family photos. They may not be the "perfect" photos, but they tell the story and that's the important part. Great hymn. "Up from the grave He arose" is my favourite Easter hymn.

    1. Thank you, Lorrie! I am so grateful for the memories to record . . . and those laughs can be a fun part of the memories.

      Oh, I love your hymn too! How can one's heart not be stirred when that line is sung? "Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes."

  2. Great family photos. I love that beautiful old hymn. Love your bunches of daffodils on the table.

    1. Thank you, Brenda! They are all small glimpses of the joy of that awesome day of Resurrection!

  3. A glorious day at your place. How wonderful to all gather together. That one week old looks real healthy. And Kati's little guy is growing so fast. I really love the idea of a flowering cross. So pretty. Love the hymn! And yes, I believe that!

    1. It was a wonderful day of celebration! Such an awesome reason to celebrate!

      We are delighted to have these babies in the family, but don't babies grow so very fast?

      I know that you believe that too! Alleluia!

  4. How pretty and Springlike your table looks. Daffodils are so cheerful.
    I love the old hymns and can imagine you all gathered round singing!

    1. Thank you, Barbara! I love old hymns too. Many are filled with rich and stirring words . . . timeless!

  5. Now I never would have noticed the Hobbit situation without your mention. Thank you! Made me laugh, too. Beautiful family photos. Beautiful day and the most beautiful reason for gathering. Amen.

    1. Oh my goodness. We have all laughed and laughed at that photo! It has been the subject of many Facebook comments and private messages. My son said that it made his week! 🤣 I'm glad you laughed with us!

      It was truly a beautiful day of celebration!

  6. How wonderful to be together with your family again! Celebrations are not to be taken for granted anymore! We'll be celebrating soon with our family again. We're making a move back to our own home state of Ohio (we have currently been living in eastern PA for 14 1/2 years). Even our son is moving from Florida to Ohio, back to our own roots. This will all take place the beginning of June, so looking forward to being with family living close by.
    You'll get to celebrate another life soon with a new grandbaby coming, how exciting!

    1. You are so right . . . celebrations and gatherings are not to be taken for granted anymore! I am so excited about your move and that your whole family will live in close proximity! A move is not for the faint of heart (or maybe that's just me), but what a wonderful reason to move! Oh, you have much to look forward to!

      So excited for the summer grandbaby!

  7. I issued the whole Hobbit thing when I looked at the photo! Had to go back and look! The thing I couldn’t get over is little Alaine twinning with Aunt Bekah! When did she grow into a young lady?!

    I can feel your joy in celebrating the resurrection and in being together as a family!

    1. Deanna, we have laughed like crazy at that photo and all of the ensuing conversation and gifs and pictures! It has taken on a life of its own! 🤣

      When did Alaine grow into a young lady? Seemingly overnight! How does that happen?!

      So much joy . . . so much gratitude!

  8. What a joy to visit with you and your beautiful family again Cheryl The memories you all make when you are together are so precious, congratulations on the new grand baby, he is so precious!

    Yes, I do believe, He is the Resurrection and Life, and that I will live in eternity with Him!.

    1. I always enjoy a visit with you, Sue, whether it is here at Thinking About Home, or there at Pear Tree Lane! Yes, we were so blessed to celebrate together and add to the memory bank! Joanna is precious . . . a new baby is never "old hat"!

      I know that you believe, Sue! Hallelujah!

  9. Ooops... if I accidentally posted a partial comment, please delete. I thought I had posted earlier in the month, but I must have slipped out before doing so. I enjoyed seeing all the pictures of your family again, and I enjoyed the singing the second time through here as must as I did the first time. How lovely your voices sound together. What sweetness it is hearing your voices praising God together. And congratulations on the birth of a new grandchild! :)

    1. Thanks for popping back in with your kind words and congratulations! It was a beautiful day of celebration! "Lives again our glorious King! Alleluia!"
