Saturday, January 6, 2024

Christmas | 2023

This year, we gathered for our family Christmas celebration a couple of days before Christmas. It was nearly an "open house" as some could come early but needed to be home before dark, some were working until nearly dark, and others were somewhere in between. It gets complicated as families age and grow and move, but it is so worth digging in and trying to make a plan to celebrate together! Those times are limited and they are golden. 

Christmas music playing. A bountiful buffet. (Many cooks do not spoil the broth. Many cooks make for a lovely spread!) Loved ones gathering. Tears. Remembering. Quiet. Laughs. Noise. Stories. More stories. More laughs. Giving tokens of our love. A Christmas Fairy and her helpers passing out gifts. Eating too much dessert. (I got no photos of the dessert spread, but trust me when I say there was plenty.) Delights. Sadness. Joy. 

And Emmanuel. God. With. Us. 

Good times!! 

On Christmas morning, we had our traditional breakfast.

We've been hosting Christmas breakfast for many years, and where we once had both of the younger girls at home and all four of our parents came, now it is just Ron and me, Bekah, and Mom.

That is the way life is, always changing. The wise consider and make the most of the opportunities. 

In the afternoon, we opened our gifts to one another, then made some hot drinks and went for a leisurely drive. We were home in time to Skype with Kati and Andrew and the children. Then we went over to Mom's house for some Christmas treats. 

At Mom's

The rest of the week did not go as planned as we all came down with some kind of respiratory virus. Plans were rescheduled, but that means . . . Christmas has lingered! In fact, we will host our final holiday gathering tomorrow when Ron's siblings and their spouses come to Pineapple House to celebrate. 

So, yes, Christmas is lingering here at our house. Even so, we have taken some time to look back on the past year and document its highs and lows. (I talk about this habit ~ here~ .)

We are also looking ahead and setting some goals and making plans for house projects we'd like to accomplish this year. I'll share some of those with you. I'd also like to tell you about some of the house projects that were completed in 2023. 

As I often do, I'd like to leave you with a song. My Kati sang this at my Dad's funeral service and it has become a(nother) favorite. It is my prayer for the coming year to make the Lord "My Dwelling Place" more than ever before. There is no better place, no safer place. 


  1. Dear Cheryl,
    What a lovely post summing up your Christmas. The photos of your mom are poignant - her first Christmas without your dad. Memories flood at these times, for all of you. And through it all, Emmanuel - God with us.

    1. Thank you, Lorrie! Indeed, memories did flood . . . even more than I expected. I know that Mom felt that too. So many memories . . . and so thankful for Emmanuel!

  2. Your summing up is very lovely, poignant and yet thankful . Family around, your lovely mother with you, so very 'together'.

    1. Thank you, Barbara! Sadly, you know much of what Mom is feeling. So thankful that He promised to be with us always, even to the end of the age. What a wonderful promise!

  3. Dear Cheryl, your wise words always touch my heart, my friend. It is good that as the family grows the times change just like we do. Your lovely photos of all the grands present are precious and shows that time passes quickly. I'm sure your whole family is grateful for such thankful times as these.

    1. And your kind words always touch my heart, Martha Ellen! Oh, how quickly time passes and grandchildren grow and life changes. Yes, we are very grateful for these "together" times!

  4. It is always good to peek into your family gatherings. In Christ the ebb and flow of our lives on this earth are blessed and we endure and we can do that with joy. Hard to understand sometimes. Tears and laughter, joy and sorrow, all together. It is so good to be able to pivot and change plans and adjust our gatherings for all the seasons of life. A very happy 2024 to you and yours.

    1. Thank you for peeking in, Ellen, and for sharing your encouraging words! Yes, with Christ, we can endure . . . with joy! Happy New Year to all of you as well!

  5. Golden times indeed! "The wise consider and make the most of the opportunities"! Bless you in this new year...

    1. You know those golden times, Rosella . . . I saw peeks of those in your recent blog post! It never gets old, does it? Blessings back to you and yours!

      ~ Cheryl . . . who is suddenly not able to comment on her own blog and must do it as "Anonymous" 🤦🏻‍♀️

  6. Oh how lovely, Cheryl. Such precious family gatherings. Everything looked inviting and delicious. A beautiful and poignant summing up of your Christmas 2023. Blessings and grace for the year ahead. xo

    1. Thank you for all of your kind words, Brenda! Time together is indeed precious. I wish the same for you in this new year!

      ~ Cheryl . . . who is suddenly not able to comment on her own blog and must do so "Anonymous" 🤦🏻‍♀️
