Friday, November 22, 2024

The Year Macaroni & Cheese Was Invited to Thanksgiving Dinner

The year 2020 will go down in history for many reasons. But in our family, it will also be remembered as the year that we began to have macaroni and cheese at our Thanksgiving dinner. 

I had never considered macaroni and cheese to be a Thanksgiving food. 

Turkey? Definitely. 

Mashed potatoes? Of course. 

Stuffing? Absolutely! (It's my personal favorite.)  

Corn? Yes. 

Cranberry? Yes. 

But I just don't think the Pilgrims ate macaroni and cheese. :)

Then in November of 2020, Kristin posted this graphic on her Facebook page . . . 

. . . and a family discussion ensued!

"Macaroni and cheese is Maryland's favorite side dish and we don't have it at our Thanksgiving dinner?!"

"Maybe that needs to change." 

At the November birthday party, a show of hands revealed that LOTS of people wanted mac-and-cheese for Thanksgiving and, thus, a new tradition began.

There was excitement on our family group chat!

According to some of us . . . 

What's your opinion on macaroni and cheese at Thanksgiving? It is that important?! 

If you celebrate American Thanksgiving, how do you feel about your state's favorite Thanksgiving side dish? Does your family eat that dish with your holiday meal? 


  1. And Stouffer's mac n cheese is the best!

    I know, I know. You can make it in the crockpot, but WHY?? 😂

    1. Oooo, Sandy! Stouffer's is really good! Wonder if I could get away with that . . .

  2. We are inviting Mac n cheese this year! We have all the grandkids and some younger nieces and nephews coming this year. The littler kids don't usually go for many of the traditional things like dressing, broccoli casserole and green bean casserole, but Mac n cheese is always a winner!

    1. Oh, yes! Having children is a great reason to invite mac-and-cheese . . . although some of my most passionate mac-and-cheese people are adults!

  3. Actually, noodles and potatoes are often served together in England:) I also noticed Deviled Eggs on the map of the USA! Yum Yum. I think I'll have to include both noodles and deviled eggs this year. Thanks for the suggestion! Deb

    1. I didn't know that, Deb! My mom has always made her vegetable beef soup with both potatoes and noodles which some people find unusual, but I can't imagine it any other way! We're making ourselves hungry here! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. No Thanksgiving here, but macaroni and cheese is a good old staple in UK. We often eat it as a main dish, nicely browned on the top, and served with peas or any vegetables. Yum!

    1. Oh, that sounds so good! My mouth is watering now . . .

  5. We don't have it at our Thanksgiving meals, but I bet my grands would love it! From the graphic it seems to be a southern thing, wouldn't you say?
    Deanna Rabe

    1. I'll bet your grands would love it too! There aren't too many children who don't like macaroni and cheese!

      Yes, according to the graphic, it does appear to be a Southern thing. I guess Marylanders are Southern in this case!

  6. No Mac n Cheese for us. Green bean casserole and Dressing/stuffing from the two States that we have lived in is my favorite also.
    Thanks for the laugh!! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Glad it made you laugh, Melissa! There is much good-natured ribbing between the two camps. The macaroni lovers are particularly passionate!

      I could definitely be a Pennsylvanian in my choice of side dishes!

  7. Definitely not part of our Thanksgiving tradition here in Canada anywhere (at least that I'm aware). Stuffing is the favourite dish in our family, alongside the turkey and cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes and turnip puff. I enjoyed this post, learning that Mac n Cheese is actually a favourite side dish in some regions of your country. It's a fun fact! Thanks for sharing, Cheryl.

    1. Stuffing is my favorite dish too. I have never had turnip puff, but it is now my goal to find it (or make it?) and try it! Mmm . . . :)

      Neither my grandmother, nor my mom, nor my great-aunt, all of whom hosted Thanksgiving dinners over the years, ever served macaroni and cheese at that meal. Maybe it is a more recent food trend? We have some very enthusiastic mac-and-cheese-ers around our table though, so mac and cheese it is!

  8. Both the state we grew up in and the state we now live in has potatoes as the favorite side dish and I enjoy the potatoes with gravy. My favorites are the stuffing and the yams baked with butter and brown sugar and marshmallows on top. Mac n Cheese won't be making it on the Thanksgiving table but it could appear the day after! Fun post!

    1. Thanks, Ellen! Interesting that both of your states have the same favorite side dish! I would definitely eat mac-and-cheese the day after Thanksgiving, and maybe any other day of the year. But there are so many delicious things on the Thanksgiving table. I have to choose wisely!

  9. Mac and Cheese for Thanksgiving - Why Not!!! My grandchildren love it and my favourite, and festive table worthy, is the recipe in The Mennonite Girls Can Cook "Bread for the Journey" meditations and recipes book!

    1. Exactly . . . why not?! A mama wants to make her "babies" happy (you know how it is!) and so mac-and-cheese was invited! I am certain that your MGCC recipe is wonderful!

  10. Cheryl I laughed out loud reading this post! Of course Macaroni and Cheese is invited to Thanksgiving! My Mama and my Nanny always had baked Macaroni and Cheese at every important meal including Thanksgiving and Christmas. They made the best and I try to replicate it at our important meals as well. As with most good cooks there is no exact recipe except for the custard and cheese and elbow macaroni. My children and grands wouldn't think it was Thanksgiving or Christmas without Macaroni and Cheese!

    1. Martha Ellen, it brings a big smile to know that you enjoyed this post! "Of course Macaroni and Cheese is invited to Thanksgiving!" . . . I think my son would be happy to join you at your holiday meals! I love that the dish is full of tradition and warm memories for you.

      We may be late to the party, but there's no going back now. I think there would be mutiny! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  11. Both Pennsylvania where I live and New Jersey where two of my sisters and two of my brothers live have stuffing as their main enjoyment. And that is true in my family. We all love stuffing, especially what my sister makes. I wouldn't enjoy mac and cheese at my dinner since I am lactose intolerant and get very sick when I eat it. But I'm happy for anyone else that wants to have it.

    1. I have lived in Maryland all of my life, but stuffing is my favorite side too! For you . . . stay away from the mac-and-cheese! Not worth it! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  12. I've never imagined Mac and Cheese for Thanksgiving. It's not a tradition here in Canada. Stuffing and cranberry sauce are my favourite parts of the meal.
    But, I do love a good Mac and Cheese dish, baked in the oven until bubbly, the top breadcrumb cheese crust a crisp contrast to the creamy filling. Oooh, now I'm hungry!

    1. I had never eaten mac-and-cheese on Thanksgiving until 2020, but there's no going back now!

      Your description of a good macaroni and cheese dish . . . it has made me hungry too!

  13. As my family planned this year's menu, I said that any good Southern meal needed mac and cheese. I was told we had enough dishes planned... (I'm definitely making a frowny face!

    1. Patricia, that is a bummer! We're between North and South here (Northerners think we're Southern, Southerners think we're Northern), so it took us a while to add that Southern flavor! Happy Thanksgiving anyway! :)

  14. Stuffing (my mom’s recipe) is definitely the most important side dish in my humble opinion and it’s devoured by the entire family. That said, I am sure my family would LOVE Mac and cheese! I love it too but I no longer eat meat or dairy for my health so if they want it, someone else can make it! ❤️😘

    1. It sounds like stuffing is the star of the show 'round your table! And who needs two stars, right?! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

  15. I remember seeing this graphic last year, and it was just SHOCKING to me that Mac and cheese is a popular side dish for Thanksgiving anywhere, ha! I think sweet potatoes are the most popular side in our family.

    1. Callie, I was once in your camp! What? Macaroni and cheese for Thanksgiving?! 😂 But since so many of my people want it on the table, it now has a place there.

      Thanks for stopping by! I plan to visit some new blogging faces in the new year!

  16. Being a Hoosier, I find it interesting that Indiana was alone in Deviled Eggs being a favorite side dish. I'm actually surprised it is a favorite side dish warranting placement on the national map, but I will say - anytime I take deviled eggs to a pitch-in, they get eaten up. People always seem excited to see them. Mac & Cheese? While it doesn't typically show up on our Thanksgiving table, I do believe it did on my childhood table. Just one of sooo many dishes.

    1. Deviled eggs are a wonderful food, and are always on our Easter table, but not our Thanksgiving table. I found it so interesting to see the regional differences!

      "Sooo many dishes," you say? Same!
