Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mountain Breezes

Because we love poetry, and because it is National Poetry Month after all, I thought I would share some of our favorite poetry books during the month of April.

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The much-loved poetry books that I've shared here and here are children's books (although I don't think you have to be a child to enjoy either!), but today I'm going to tell you one of my favorite poem books for adults—Mountain Breezes.

I dearly love this collection of poems by Amy Carmichael, missionary to India. It is full of inspirational gems! I have never read through all of the poems in this book...there are just so many! I'll tell you the slightly strange way that I approach this book. I begin reading a section until I find a poem that speaks to a deep place in my heart. Then I highlight the title of the poem, both where the poem is within the book, and also in the index. I do this so that I can easily find a poem when I try to look back at it at a later time. I have memorized several of these poems...they are so worthy of the effort.

You may remember me posting these:

Today, I'll share with you one of the first poems in Mountain Breezes that caught my attention.

Amy Carmichael

O Love Divine, if we can see
In our beloved so dear a grace,
When Love unveils, what will it be
To see Thee face to face?

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl, you KNOW what this book means to me. I have referred to it so many times. The copy I'm now using is one that I had given my mother a couple of years before she died. In it, she has underlined some of the words that spoke to her ... and those underlinings are especially dear to me now. I think you could take either single one of the poems written by Amy Carmichael and just get lost in the depths. I have to keep reminding myself that she spent the last twenty years of her life confined to her room, mostly in her bed. I can't imagine what that must have been like for her. But look at the harvest of her sufferings; untold numbers of people who have seen more of Jesus because of the things she wrote while lying in that bed. It amazes me.
