Friday, April 23, 2010

When Junk is a Treat

Bekah requested a trip to a local zoo and park for her birthday, so we waited for a day when the weather was perfect, took the day off from school (well, most of the day anyway), and made our plans. She also wanted to take a picnic lunch. Tuna sandwiches? Peanut butter and jelly? Crackers and cheese? All of these ideas received lackluster responses. "Well, I guess we could stop at Walmart on the way and get some junk food," I suggested.

An enthusiastic response.

On our way to Walmart, we passed Chick-fil-A. Now there's an idea. Thinking this would be a treat, I said, "I'd be willing to stop for Chick-fil-A and we could just carry it with us to the park."


"Well...," said Bekah, "we get Chick-fil-A sometimes...but we don't get junk very much."

So into Walmart we went to forage for some junk food. And a junk food picnic it was, complete with Little Debbie's Swiss Cake Rolls for dessert. :-)

Partaking of the junk food treats :-)
The ducks and geese get a treat too!

Visiting Bekah's favorite animal at the zoo

Sisters strolling

Bekah bolting

Time at the playground

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl, I just LOVE this post. You have made us feel as if we were right there, listening to the conversations and sharing in the excitement of having a junk food lunch. Your pictures are so endearing. I don't adequately convey to you how much I treasure the things that you share. They always brighten my heart in one way or another; either through an endearing family story, or through deeply powerful truths that have been passed down from other Pilgrims who have walked The Walk before us. Thank you for the time and love you put into this.
