Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday Snapshots (And More!)

The idea of "Sunday Snapshot" was to share one (or even two) glimpses of our Sunday afternoons, but this week there were SO many Kodak moments, that I just. couldn't. choose.  If you think you can't tolerate too much cuteness, feel free to skip this post and come back another day.  :-)

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Resurrection Day!  The celebration of Him...His plan, His redemption, His Kingship, His Glory!  We had a precious time of worship with our church family, remembering His sacrifice in Communion (showing forth the Lord's death until He comes), singing the glorious songs of His resurrection, honoring the King with our worship. 

Back at home...some of us prepared for our family dinner...

while some of us watched (literally watched) for the family to arrive.   

Highlights of the day:

~ Dinner, including traditional ham, ambrosia, and  The Best Potato Salad in the World (made by my mom).  Here are the little ones at the kitchen table.  Somehow, I didn't get a photo of the adult table in the dining room.  Do you think it's because we're not as cute? 

~ We also fed ourselves fweets...carrot cupcakes, coconut cream pie, coconut cupcakes, and Peeps-on-chocolate-nests.  Oh yeah.  We really did have all those desserts.

~ Of course, this little girl was in many of the day's highlights.

Alaine, eight months old

~ Gammy has given every one of her grandchildren, and now her greatgrandchildren, their first Bible (a tiny New Testament in either pink or baby blue) on their first Easter.  Here, Alaine receives hers.  (Peter got his blue one in the mail.)

Gampy holds Alaine

Papa gets a kiss
Aunt Kati snuggles with her niece

~ Hunting for chocolate eggs!

I think Owen found one!
~ Dressing Alaine in her jammies for the ride home.

~ Papa giving Owen (clutching his bag of chocolate eggs) a piggyback ride to the van.

There were even a couple of highlights for which we have no photos.  

~ Sharing some photos via Facebook and Snapfish of family members who couldn't be with us.  Our thoughts are never very far away from those we love...

~ Gavin (our eight-year-old grandson) quietly sneaking up behind Papa who was engaged in some after dinner conversation...and SCARING the THUNDERATION out of him!   Of course, Gavin was thrilled, and all were amused (including the victim himself).  The rest of the day, Papa looked for opportunities for payback, and Gavin skulked around afraid of his own shadow.  Good times!