Tuesday, September 27, 2011

In Which Geography = Dessert

All of the ingredients were there:

So...make an apple pie we did! 

And that's how dessert...

became a geography lesson. 

(Or was it the other way around?)


  1. Great combo! Fun,learning & a delicious looking pie :D

  2. I don't think it matters which way around it was. Fact of the matter is, learning happened and then you ate pie!! :) Yes, a very productive (and delicious) day!!

    Love Katie's red bowl...

    *Wish you lived a little closer Cheryl. We would have thrown in an extra scarf and sunglasses and grabbed you!

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. Enjoyed this Cheryl. You and Kati, made a beautiful pie, together. I have been wanting one of these rolling pins, I saw Martha Stewart use hers and knew I had to have one.~smile~.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Just read that book, bought what appears to be the very same red bowl from Target (what a deal :-)), and have a load of apples, but haven't gotten to the pie part yet. Thanks for a peek at your fall fun!

  5. @ Kathy... That is too funny! And, yes, it was a great deal! (In fact, I went back and got one for myself. I have a weakness for bowls. ;-))
