Thursday, September 29, 2011

What?! Thirty-one Days?!

I'll do it. 

No, I can't.

Maybe I will.

Yes, I'll do it.

I'm letting you eavesdrop on some of my conversation with myself over the past weeks.  But I have decided to accept the invitation and blog for 31 days in October.  My topic?  31 Days to Make a House a Home. 

Two years ago, I followed The Nester as she blogged her series 31 Days to a Better Dressed Nest.  I coldn't wait to check in with her every day for some new ideas to dress my nest.  I loved that they were simple and do-able.  For example, this day, I got inspired to "Paint Something" and took my medicine cabinet off the wall and did just that.  (Not every day required me to roll up my sleeves...some days just gave me new ways to think about my house.)

Then  last year, The Nester 's series was 31 Days to a Less Messy Nest, and she invited seven other bloggers to join her with their own series!  Lots to read.  I chose a few to read every day (The Reluctant Entertainer was one), and checked in on the others now and then.  But it is such a fun way to get fresh ideas about a topic that inspires you. 

And then this year.  Anyone is invited to blog for 31 days.  And so I am in.  And enthused about my topic!

I hope I'm up to the challenge.  I also hope that I am still able to homeschool and get meals on the table and clean clothes in the drawers and all that.  If not, it may be whittled down to a 20-day series.  Or a 4-day series.  :-D 

What about you?  Are you blogging for 31 days? 


  1. Wow Cheryl. I finally found something we DON'T have in common... I would NEVER let someone eavesdrop on a conversation I had with myself! It'd scare 'em away I'm sure! ;)

    I have to say I am excited that you've decided to do this. I LOVE your house. Your header photos were one of the first things that attracted me to your blog!

    Blessings, Debbie

  2. You can do it, Cheryl! We'll have to get out our pom-poms and cheer each other on!

