Saturday, October 1, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 1 ~ Welcome Home


What comes to your mind when you think of home?  

house is a building, a structure.  It can be made of wood or brick.  It can be small or large.  It can be quite beautiful and even featured in a magazine.  But it isn't a home until someone makes it a home.

The word home embodies all things warm and welcoming.  Home is peaceful and personal.  Home is loving and living. 

is made up of beautiful sights, lovely aromas, tantalizing tastes, comforting touches and textures, and lively sounds.  But it is more than our physical surroundings and the appeal of the senses.  It is also the intangible beauties of attitude and atmosphere.  The best home is a reflection of our Heavenly Home, a humble foreshadow of that Home that is promised to His children. 

Over the days of October, I will be chatting about ways to make a house a home.   I plan to offer suggestions on how to use the five senses to add homeyness, and I plan to touch on a few of the non-tangibles too. 

Of course, no one should expect to take all of these suggestions and fly with them!  I can promise you that I have personally tried each one, but certainly over a greater time than 31 days!  I just hope to offer you some new ways of thinking about your home, your own little piece of the here and now. 

And so I welcome you to Thinking About Home on this first day of our journey to Make a House a Home!


  1. Your house is so pretty! This is going to be something to look forward to reading everyday :)

  2. Hi Cheryl ~ I'll be following along, I know I'll get some great inspiration from you!

  3. I'm a homebody too. This sounds like a good one. :)

  4. Can't wait to read your series! I'm a fellow 31 day Blogger, blogging about 31 Days of Autumn Inspiration.

  5. Love this idea! I will be following it with great interest. Front door decoration...Check(thanks to my mom who is awesome with flowers/wreaths and anything in between)

  6. Oh it was great fun. I enjoyed my time with you and hope, now that I'm following along, that I'll catch up with you again!
