Sunday, October 2, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 2 ~ Say "Welcome" At The Door

Plan to hang something lovely on your door for every season. 

It says "Welcome to our home." 

You can find inexpensive wreaths if you're on the lookout. 

I've found many of my door hangings after the season or holiday,
when they were marked down to "my" price.

You can buy a basic wreath and add your own touches.

You can go outside the box (or wreath) and hang a basket of flowers or berries,

or a sign, or a swag.


You don't have a wreath?  No more excuses! 

How about making this?


Just be sure to say "Come on in!" at your door.


  1. This is a great easy first step. Thanks for the inspiration. I, too, have found much of my seasonal decor at my price after the season. Now to start looking for wreaths!

  2. Hi Cheryl!

    I LOVE the littel tags added to the wreath and basket! Great idea!

    I fail miserably at "entryway" greetings... I can never quite figure out what to do out there, and then end up doing nothing.

    But now I'm inspired!

    Kim :-)

  3. That should be "little"... typing with cold fingers... and probably not enough coffee under my belt!

    Kim :-D

  4. Oh one of those wreaths looks very familiar... ;>

  5. Wreaths and pots of seasonal plants or flowers are so much fun. This past weekend I replaced the Welcome mat. I realized (by looking back at my blog) that the mat we had was 3 years old. It had served its purpose. The new one was $12.00 and is wonderful!
