Wednesday, October 5, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 5 ~ Make It Tidy

Yes, make it tidy. 

Don't make it "perfect"! 

Perfection doesn't look homey.  Perfection looks stark and cold.  Perfection doesn't welcome you to come in and live.  We've all seen those magazine rooms that look like no one lives there.  Who wants a house like that? 

My definition of tidy may be different from yours.  But making your house tidy, according to your own standards, makes it welcoming, makes it peaceful, makes it homey. 

You can read about our Ten Minute Tidy plan ~here~.

Then decide what your standards of "tidy" are, and take ten minutes to do something about it!


  1. Tidy..Yes, i can do. Perfection..No, I have 4 year old twins lol Its not perfect in any way,but very "homey" and i can see the floor for the most part :) Have a great day!

  2. Preach it sister!

    Homey is not synonymous with messy. Nor does tidy have anything to do with perfection.

    Excellent encouragement my friend. And I LOVE all of the photos of your house and your decorating style. I think I've said it before, "I could move right in"!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. Love your 10 minute clean-up! we do something siimilar called the QPU (Quick pick up).

    Beautiful blog and beautiful (earthly) home.

    Unfortunately I wasted far too many years waiting for the perfect home. But I am learning to love the one God has given me.

  4. I have never wanted a house, only a warm cozy home!. I like the ten minute tidy tip. Enjoy your day.

  5. I think I can handle tidy. Whew. Thanks for the tip. :)

  6. It sounds like fun! I love FlyLady's 27-fling boogie, which is somewhat similar. Anything to make it entertaining!
