Thursday, October 6, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 6 ~ Beautiful Sounds


What do you hear?  What are the sounds in your home?

Are they beautiful sounds?
  • Lovely music
  • The whistle of the tea kettle
  • Gentle words
  • Words of instruction or correction
  • Laughter or weeping (as it is fitting)
  • Praise

Or are they ugly sounds? 
  • Blaring music or television
  • Cold silence
  • Nagging
  • Fussing
  • Yelling
  • Complaining

The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous. 
(Psalm 118:15)

If there is not the voice of salvation, the sounds of joy, the kind words and pleasant atmosphere that accompany His salvation, then my house is not a home that reflects my Heavenly home.

Beautiful sounds help to make a house a home.


  1. Just want to say: I love your posts! Simple but profound, authentically heartfelt, and very much appreciated! Thank you!

  2. I love the happy sounds of my dishwasher and washer and dryer running (they make me feel like I am getting something done). I love the ticking of my clocks, the hum of the refrigerator, the rustling of the wind in the trees outside my bedroom window. These sounds make me feel secure and grateful.

    A few months ago I called and cancelled our satellite subscription for our tv. Because of where we live we don't have ANY tv now and I love not having that obnoxious blaring sound filling up my afternoons and evenings. We try to remember to listen to beautiful music instead but it is still a habit we are developing.

    Lovely post--sweet and simple. Thank you.

  3. I love the sound of the tea kettle! Just the association that it has with tea makes me feel so at home whenever I hear it. =)

  4. Awesome thing to think about, Cheryl! My Mom keeps hymns playing in the background whenever they're home, and it's amazing how peaceful it feels!

  5. So true! I know I am influenced by good music - especially with uplifting words of Scripture. And "sounds" are not often thought of in creating a welcoming home - but you've hit on something here! Great thoughts!

  6. I was listening to my tea kettle whistle for me just this morning. I also enjoy playing music while I work, Just yesterday I decided I would play some Christmas music, Yes! Christmas!!

    When fall arrives I am in the thinking mode that the holidays have begun, and really they have because we go from one to the other.~smile! Have I made my case yet? ~still smiling~
    The list of beautiful sounds I love!

  7. I love this. I forget to be thankful for the fussing. Someday I'll probably miss it. :)

  8. Oh that scripture would make a great pillow!
