Friday, October 7, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 7 ~ Traditions: Create Some!

Traditions go a long way to making a house a home

 Traditions say "This is how we do things."  Traditions say, "Our family is like this."  Traditions say, "Our home is a place where I feel this way." 

If you don't have traditions in your family, by all means, create some! 

You can read my thoughts on tradition ~here~.  And I'll be sharing some of our own family's traditions in this series, 31 Days to Make Your House a Home

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1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your post on traditions Cheryl, we have ours too, and dh and I have kept them even after the children left to make their own. We found that they started their own by combining traditions from both families.
    Cheryl, you have so much wisdom, and I truly enjoy gleaning from it.
