Saturday, October 8, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 8 ~ Share It

Sharing your homesharing your time, breaking bread, making memories togetheris another way to make your house a home. 

On Day 1 of this 31-day journey, I told you of  my thoughts about home... 
"The word home embodies all things warm and welcoming.  Home is peaceful and personal.  Home is loving and living." 

So why not make the effort to share this home that we are making? 

We can come up with lots of reasons excuses, can't we?

"My house isn't big enough."
"My house isn't finished."
"The couch is faded."
"It is not convenient." 
"I'm too busy."
"I am intimidated about cooking for her." 
"I can't afford to have people over."

(Confession:  I have used every one of those excuses myself...and more besides!) 

But do you see what every one of those excuses has in common?  They are all about me.  Yes, that's right.  They are about me comparing myself with someone else, or me wanting to make an impression, or me not wanting to inconvenience myself. 

(Stop for a minute and think about the reasons that you don't invite people in to share your home.  Hmmm...)

Of course, you have to be realistic.  If you have a tiny house, you can't host a party for fifty people.  But you can invite one or two people over for a simple supper, or for coffee and dessert.  And if you're remodeling your kitchen, or your daughter is getting married, or you have some other big project in the works, you might want to wait until things settle down a bit to plan a dinner party. 

But I'll just bet that the lady who is a fabulous cook will enjoy the simple meal that you graciously serve her.  It's not all about the food anyway.  It's about time spent together, in a warm and welcoming environment.  It's about sharing fellowship with others in His body, or reaching out to someone who isn't. 

If finances are limited, consider allowing your guests to contribute to the menu, or host a potluck.  Or buy a 2-liter bottle of root beer and some store brand vanilla ice cream and serve root beer floats.

Just don't miss out on making wonderful memories and making connections with people,  simply because you can't get past the "me" part.

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men,
especially unto them who are of the household of faith.  
Galations 6:10

Use hospitality to one another without grudging.
I Peter 4:9

*** If you would like to improve in the area of hospitality, may I suggest that you visit The Reluctant Entertainer?  Sandy Coughlin will not only challenge your attitude towards entertaining, she offers such practical tips about how to make it work! 


  1. This is a good post, Cheryl.

    We practice hospitality all the time - it is a joy to us. We just invite people to join us for our family dinner, or a Sunday evening campfire...rarely fancy - but fun. People love to be invited!


  2. Wonderful words of wisdom Cheryl, the list I certainly can relate, especially since I started blogging. It is so easy to get caught up in all the beautiful homes here in blogland. I will visit Sandy.
    Thanks for sharing.
