Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hearts At Home

Just a touch of  ♥ LOVE ♥  on this shelf in the kitchen...
some gummy cinnamon hearts,
a sweet fabric heart from a loved friend,
a cluster of heart-shaped cookie cutters.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10


  1. What a wonderful, prim, Valentine vignette. It belongs on a calendar page with the scripture right there on it.

  2. Very sweet, I love the way it looks on your shelf!

    I agree with Vee - it would be great on a calendar with the verse!


  3. What a pretty heart, Cheryl, I really like the way you have displayed your vintage cookie cutters along with the jars, this vignette has given me some ideas, as I seem to be lacking in creativity lately. ~smile~
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. You have such a knack for decorating your home, Cheryl. I love little clusters of displays of similar items like these sweet hearts. I believe the fabric heart looks very familiar (hugs). Those heart shaped cinnamon candies look very tempting, even at this early hour. Sigh. When I worked at Jack's, the thing I loved most was creating displays. This picture reminds me of how much I used to love to do that.
