Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Snapshots: {Non} Super Bowl Party

Would it surprise anyone to know that we don't watch football at our house?  Or that we don't have cable television, so even if we wanted to watch the Super Bowl, it wasn't televised on any of the channels that we have?  (My son-in-law, Brian, does enjoy football, but since they don't have cable television either, viewing wasn't an option.)

Did that stop us from having a party?  Nope. 

We played some games. 

We ordered Chinese take-out, including fried dumplings and Chinese donuts.  Yes, we did.  (I'd have been better off not knowing that such things existed, as before this evening.)   

And we had the second act of the serial drama performed by the children. 

The play almost didn't continue past the first act which was performed several weeks ago.  There had been a quandary over who would be "Grandmary," the grandmother to Samantha, an American Girl historical character.  Bekah (10) and Maddie (7) had claimed the two young girl roles.  Owen (5) wanted to act, but certainly didn't want to be Grandmary!  Gavin didn't want to act at all.  The drama troupe tried to enlist Aunt Kati, but she declined. 

Today, however, a solution was found! 

We almost doubled over with laughter when "Grandmary" was introduced...for she was three-year-old  BENJAMIN!!  What a HOOT!  There he was with his "white hair" styled into a "bun" and dressed in a grandmotherly costume.  (Don't they give out Oscars for costume design?)   

To top it all off (and to take the audience over the edge), Ben, of course, didn't know his lines...and so the director had instructed him to just move his mouth while she read the words in her Grandmary voice!  Oh, how I wish you could have been here!


  1. Oh you do know how to have fun! What a willing participant and such a cutie pie.

    You don't get NBC?

  2. That sounds fun! When my kids were little, they spent many a time dressing up and acting out parts, and we also played many, many times an informal version of charades where Dad would tell them which animal to be and the rest of us would have to guess it. Miss those days! Enjoy your family -- I know you already do!

  3. What a delight!

    I think that my Sarah and your Bekah would hit it off right away! Sarah is always wanting to act and do plays and things...she usually can only get Kyle involved....

    Your Grandmary is a doll and how ingenious of Bekah to read his lines for him!

    We didn't watch the Superbowl either. Some friends came over and we just chatted and had fun all evening!

    Are the dumplings the things with the cream cheese? Those are yummy!


  4. How funny and yet how very dear! I really, really love the last picture in your collage, especially after reading your words. There are so many wonderful memories being made at your house!

    (P.S. I'm still thinking about how much I loved your pizza soup)
