Friday, March 16, 2012

A Cardinal Sin?

I spent most of last week at home with a sick child.  I spent most of the week before that at home without transportation (my vehicle was in the shop). 

I have told you many times that I am a homebody, so being "stuck" at home is not a great imposition to me; in fact, I quite enjoy having "at home" days. 

There's only one problem.  Life goes on regardless, so when all is well, there is a lot of catching up to do!  That's where I have been this the Land of Catching Up.  The Land where there are piano lessons to make up and school projects to catch up on and groceries to purchase and various and sundry errands to run.  It was a good week, a productive week, but one which did not allow me a lot of computer least during the times when my brain was awake. 

Bekah has a birthday coming up in a few weeks.  It is hard for me to believe that my youngest will be eleven years old.  When she was born, it felt like I was starting all over.  Kati was seven, Ryan was in college, and Kristin was working and engaged to be married!  But all of a sudden, this baby is going to be eleven and she is wearing a size 6 shoe and she keeps growing taller and she likes to help me cook and she teaches me things on the computer and reminds me of things I said and relates to me the cute things her nieces and nephews say and do. 

Yesterday, one of our errands in the Land of Catching Up was a library run.  The usual parking lot attendant is an elderly man who is always grumpy.  Always.  He only speaks if you have a parking fee (which isn't often, since you can park two hours with no charge), and then he grumbles the amount.  So we were suprised when a different attendant greeted us with a warm smile and a "Have a nice day." 

Kati remarked, "It doesn't take a whole lot to make you feel like it really is okay to come to the library and park in the parking lot."   

"Yes," I concurred.  "The other man makes you feel like it's a cardinal sin to park here." 

Bekah jumped into the conversation.  "Why isn't it a 'blue jay' sin?  Blue jays do more sins.  They're the ones who steal eggs from other birds."

Of course, we all laughed.  I realized, however, that she wasn't hearing the term "cardinal sin" and reacting with a child's understanding.  This was different.  She was taking a bit of knowledge, using a play on words of sorts, and intentionally making a witty comment. 

Yes, she is growing up.  I will no longer be able to tell you stories of all the cute things she says, as I did when I first began blogging here at Thinking About Home.  I must respect her need to be free to express herself without fear of ending up starring in a blog story.  (She is always saying funny things though, and is usually generous about letting me share them.)

Speaking of Bekah's birthday, I never showed you pictures of her French-themed party last year.  It was her favorite party ever!  She still talks about it!  It suited her to a T...full of glitz and glamour.  Maybe it's not too late...


  1. I never stopped to think just how
    spread out in age your children are...What an adventure!

    Happy "catching up" :)

  2. You started over more than once! It keeps you young, of that, I am certain. Yes, it is a challenge to find the balance between what is allowed and what isn't. I will have to be cautious of this because the grands are getting old enough to decide such things for three or four of ten or twenty more years. Ha!

    Now I'm wondering why it is a cardinal sin...must have something to do with the cardinals who wear the hats... Hmmm...

  3. My youngest is also about to turn 11. I can hardly believe it, although mine are all a lot closer together than yours-- my oldest is a sophomore in college. I am on my way to becoming the shortest person in my family, and I'm not even short! And yes, I have to be careful when I tell my stories.

    On another note, there are a lot of lessons in the library story. How easy it is to have a stingy attitude, even with parking spaces.

  4. Occasionally I visit a blog with pictures of babies and toddlers and I sigh. I was living that yesterday. Just yesterday, I'm sure of it.

    Congratulations on the maturing of your youngest lady. How are you going to top the French party? Don't you know you must be careful not to give the perfect party until they are 18 and leaving. It just is too hard to live up after you've done THE party.

    I'm glad that you are able to play catch up. Everyone is well (including the care) I take it.

    Today is our last day with friend Hannah here. The girls have a birthday party this afternoon and a mystery dinner (homeschool teen event) this evening so we continue to keep her busy up until the big good-bye...

    Have a lovely day, Debbie

  5. I guess I should re-read my comment before pushing publish. In parenthesis above should read including the 'car', not the care. Oops. :)


  6. My youngest is 11 (my other 3 are not as spread out as yours) and it is a different stage to be in. I'm enjoying this season although I've had that itch for another...It doesn't last too long (like it used to) and I get baby holding time with friends' babies...

    I am definitely a homebody too.

    To answer your question, I like to cook (mostly) and have done a few weddings in the past for friends. Nothing "official". They were labors of love. This time, I'm heading up community judges' food for the speech and debate tournaments my children are involved in... it's fun but tiring and frustrating at times. Hope all goes well.

  7. My Sarah will be 10 in July and Rachel will be 13 in May! I think they would really like Bekah! We'll have to find out one of these days!

    It has been a crazy week or two here as well....


  8. Both Kati, and Bekah are so wise beyond their years, Cheryl. You all seem to enjoy each other so much. I am like you a "home body". Even when I go shopping I am always so happy to turn that key in my door.

    I smiled when you spoke of Bekah, showing you things on the computer, I know what that is like, I am so amazed at how much these young people know about technology.
    Looking forward to you sharing the birthday with us.
    Enjoy your evening.
