Monday, March 12, 2012

Choosing Blogs

A week or so ago, my blog friend Vee (who writes at " A Haven For Vee") began a discussion about what she looks for in a blog.  That discussion caused me to consider just what it is that draws me to a blog on a regular basis. 

What do I look for in a blog? How do I choose which to read?

There are two things that bring me back to a blog over and over again. Some blogs have one of those things; some blogs have the other. A few have both.

I read to learn.
Maybe the blog has inspiring devotionals or sermons.  Or maybe it simply offers decorating tips or recipes or advice on entertaining.

I read because I have found a kindred spirit, an online friend.
You kind of know as you read her words, over time, that this person feels as you do about the important things, that you would be friends in person if circumstances allowed. You would love to chat over a cup of tea.

Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name.
Malachi 3:16


  1. Once again - kindreds! I also have some blogs that I read because of a shared interest.

    I need to head to tired!


  2. Yes, when I first read that, I was nodding my head in agreement. You say it so much better than I could!

  3. Those are the reasons I read, too :)

  4. You have such a knack for finding the 'nugget' and keeping it simple. An elderly friend of mine (who passed away 2 years ago) was gifted this way. He used to point out this gift in others saying, "he measures his words". Many things Pat used to say have stuck with me... BECAUSE he measured his words.

    I guess what I'm saying is... you nailed it. I keep coming back here because I'm edified... and I found a kindred spirit. I could have just said that without all of the rambling. I guess I'm not one of those gifted 'word measurers'. ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  5. Hello Cheryl,
    So nice to visit tonight, I haven't been to Vee's yet, and will be looking forward to reading what she has to say about blogging. I like what you posted and agree wholehearted with you, My favorite reason for blogging is meeting kindred spirits such as you dear Cheryl i know that if I lived nearby I would enjoy sitting and chatting over a cup of tea.
    Please tell those lovely young ladies, in Your Sunday Snapshots post, thank you from me for the fashion show, they are so beautiful I always look at expressions on faces as they tell you so much, and I can say here are to happy girls!
    Your post on Wonderful Merciful Savior really ministered to my heart, so many times lately I too found myself falling before His throne.Thanks for sharing this song, I listened twice, relishing in the lyrics~smile~
    Cheryl, I am and have been a Bar Keepers Friend for years, and have a post ready to share with what it did with a simmering pot that looked so bad. This stuff really works!!
    The photo of Alaine, that Kati took really captured her so eloquently!

    Your chicken soup is very similar to mine, and oh! how it makes what ails you so much better.
    Well, dear friend I must close tonight as I have got some other visiting to do. As always such a joy !

    Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts, I can't tell you how much they mean to me. I have had a wonderful week, and have been so blessed to be able to get out and about.
    Much love,

  6. Yes, you're right. Sometimes I find a blog that I'm initially attracted to (usually based on photos and some subject matter) but the attraction fades over time and/or then I realize the ones I return to on a daily/weekly basis are based on what you mentioned. (not always, but for the most part). Words and thoughts resonate. I love when I find another Christian blogger especially.
