Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Snapshots: Spring Fashions

~ swirling ~

~ dancing ~

~ twirling ~

~ giggling ~

~ posing ~

Trying on spring clothes

 No pictures of the crying toddler
who did not see the fun in trying on clothes,

nor of the drop-in guests
who shared coffee and cookies and conversation,

nor of the boys
who were entertained by techno gadgets this afternoon.


But at the end of the day, we were assured that none of these little girls need be bare this spring and summer!

"So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."
Matthew 6:28,29


  1. What fun for the girls! They are clearly enjoying themselves.

  2. The annual spring fashion show, how fun!

  3. Oh, fun! I need to do this with Rachel and Sarah soon!

    I also need to help Lindsay and Emily get clothes ready for Senegal. They leave at the end of the month!


  4. Perhaps you treated it like fun and that is why only the toddler was weeping. I wept every spring trying on clothes. It was an epic fail experience over and over. It was not helped by the fact that the gal who handed down her clothes to me was tall and thin. I was short and stout. A perfect little tea pot of a girl if ever there was one who hated trying on clothes. Still do. =D

  5. Your comment about techno boys was very funny. How true! My boys would rather just throw on whatever is in their closet (or in the hamper!) than to 'waste' time trying on clothing. Of course as each season arrives, I force them to try on stored clothing and hand-me-downs to see what fits. How great to have friends to share clothing with.
