Friday, August 3, 2012

Beginning Homeschooling? My Three Best Tips!

Mini Series on Beginning Homeschooling {Part One}

It's the time of year that thoughts are turning to "back to school."  After answering several queries about beginning homeschooling recently, I decided to share some of my thoughts here on my blog.  These are what I consider the three most important things to getting started on your homeschooling journey.

1. Pray

Ask for His direction concerning your children's education.  Then if you are convinced that homeschooling is the path for your family, ask for wisdom in making educational choices.  Our Heavenly Father knows our children better, and loves our children more, than we do ourselves, so it only makes sense to seek His help in planning the details!

Does that mean that the Lord will highlight the homeschool catalogs with the "right" books and curriculum that I am to buy?  BUT, I truly believe that He will guide my choices if I ask Him to.  "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:6, NKJV)

2. Read

When we were considering homeschooling our oldest two children back in 1991, I read every book about home education that I could get my hands on.  As I read, I began to formulate my own ideas of what a home education should look like.  As I read, some educational plans and concepts resonated with me.  Knowing what my homeschool philosophy was aided me in planning specifics.

Borrow from your local library.  Borrow from your friends who homeschool.  Buy the books that are the most helpful to you.  But read, read, read until you get a feel for what you want your homeschool to look like.   

(Tomorrow I will post a list of books that  I think would be helpful.)

3. Take the plunge.

If you've prayed and know that this is your path to walk, and if you have done some reading and have a perfunctory idea of where you want to go, then just do it!

You can always make adjustments to your plan or even change curriculum (after all, every child and every year is different), but I believe you will look back and say, "I am so glad I did this!"

Mini Series on Beginning Homeschooling:
{Part Two} Homeschooling? Books to Get You Started
{Part Three} Homeschool Recordkeeping


  1. With the state of public education today, I think you're right. Most will be glad that they did this.

    Good series and timely as folks are trying to sort it all out.

  2. Oh, yes!

    We have never for a moment regretted our choice to home educate! Your three tips are key!

    I just know I am going to agree with your reading suggestions, too!


  3. I agree with your three tips, and would add two kind to yourself and choose a curriculum that helps you accomplish your goals. As for being kind to self, don't put too much pressure on yourself, allow time, if your new to homeschooling remember you have a learning curve, too. I second the Read all you can idea, I started with Welcome to Homeschooling. I was reassured and encouraged. Happy homeschooling!
