Saturday, August 4, 2012

Homeschooling? Books to Get You Started

Mini Series on Beginning Homeschooling {Part Two}
Part One
Part Three

In yesterday's post about my three best tips for beginning homeschooling, I promised a reading list of books to guide and inspire.  Happy reading!

“Getting Started” Books
“Refresher and Encouragement Books for Those Who Have Already Started”

Mary Pride's Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling ~ Mary Pride
When I first began homeschooling, I read Pride's The Big Book of Home Learning It was invaluable. It is no longer in print, but this book (Complete Guide...) is the updated and improved version.

If you've ever read anything by Mary Pride, you know that she does not leave a stone unturned. She has a passion for excellence when it comes to all areas of family life, including homeschooling.  


The Christian Home School ~ Gregg Harris
A great first book about homeschooling!  Harris, a pioneer in the homeschool movement, presents the Biblical case for parents being the primary teachers of their children.     

How to Homeschool ~ Gayle Graham
Chock full of teaching and organizing ideas for the beginning homeschooler.   I read this book every summer for years. 

A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning ~ Karen Andreola
Perfect book to read to be introduced to the methods of 19th century educator Charlotte Mason.  Andreola provides lots of practical ideas she has used in teaching her own children. 

Homeschool Burnout ~ Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore
I read this book before I ever started homeschooling—not because I was “burned out” (I hadn’t even begun!), but because it was one of the few books about homeschooling that I could find in the public library.  However, it gave me a vision that “home schooling” did not have to be “school at home.”  

The Moores authored many other books such as
Home Spun Schools, Better Late Than Early, and Home Grown Kids.  Their most recent book is The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook.  (I have not read this one.)

Educating the Whole-Hearted Child ~ Clay and Sally Clarkson
The Clarksons emphasize the HOME in homeschooling!  They have many ideas for teaching to the heart of your child.  Lots of Scriptural foundation. 

Beyond Survival: A Guide to Abundant-Life Homeschooling ~ Diana Waring
This book encourages you to find joy in the journey of the homeschooling life.

Homeschooling the EASY Way ~ Cindy Rushton
Cindy Rushton’s “you can do it” style inspires confidence!  If you think, “I can’t,” then borrow, beg, or buy this book.

Home Designed Form-U-la ~ Barb Shelton
Fresh ideas about teaching, designing courses, and record-keeping for the high school student.  

You Can Teach Your Child Successfully
 and The Three R’s
 ~ Ruth Beechick
These books offer strategies for simplifying the teaching of every subject. 

Homeschooling for Excellence ~ David and Micki Colfax
The Colfaxes tell about their "out of the box" education methods as they homeschooled their four sons in the 1970's and 80's.  (Three of the sons continued their education at Harvard!)  

I know that this is not an exhaustive list! Fellow homeschoolers, are there books that you'd add to my list?  Let my readers know in the comments!  


  1. Wonderful list, Cheryl! Most of those were classic "go-to books" in our home too! I also liked "For the Children's Sake" by Susan Shaeffer Macauley and "Teaching Children" by Diane Lopez!

    Thank goodness for the homeschool pioneers that went before us and survived to write about it and pass on their wisdom!

    Kim :-)

  2. The Latin Centered Education by Andrew Campbell

    Climbing Parnassus by Tracy Lee Simmons

    The Underground History of American Education and Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto

    How Children Fail by John Holt

  3. This is a great list - several of which I've never read!

    I can tell by your reading list, that we have a similar way of home educating our children!


  4. I'm just beginning our official homeschool journey, but I'm in the middle of reading Christian Unschooling. I'm enjoying the practical ways to capture every moment as a chance to learn. I also love that the book is little and can be read and thought about and reread easily.

    While I'm certain our homeschooling experience will be somewhat eclectic, I appreciate the encouragement this book has been so far.

    Cheryl, if you're interested in reading it, our local library system has a least they will once I return it :)
