Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Snapshots: Pilgrim

Today, Pilgrim found a new home.  

On Wednesday afternoon, the tiny thing showed up on our doorstep.  He startled the napping black cat, Moses, who has been living on our back porch for several months.  We heard a tussle, went to investigate, and there he was, small and cute...and alone.  

My heart sank.  I couldn't bring him inside, because our Pinky is...ahem...not a nice kitty, although we love her in spite of herself.  We were afraid to leave such a small thing outside, with Pinky coming and going, with the chill night approaching.  It didn't help that he kept staring in through bottom windows of the back door.  Nor the fact that he started to meow, and then to jump up and down trying to get in.  

We finally decided to set up a temporary shelter for him in Kati's bedroom to allow us time to find a solution.  A solution needed to come fast, for we needed this room for our visitors (including our granddog) the next week.  

Bekah insisted that we couldn't just call him "The Kitten" although I did not want to name him.  I agreed to a temporary name, but warned her that we could not keep him.  We decided on Pilgrim, partly because he came so close to Thanksgiving, and partly because pilgrim means "wanderer" and it seemed appropriate.  

For five days, we enjoyed Pilgrim.  His temporary quarters were visited frequently.  He was given toys and treats and attention.  He slept with Kati every night.  All the while, I tried to find a home for him. And we all prayed for a solution and a home for this darling kitten that we were growing to love.  

And so today, Pilgrim went home.  We told him that he was going to a new land.  He boarded the Mayflower (truck), and crossed the ocean (some roads), and arrived in the land of plenty (his new home).  I talked later to his new mommy, and she reported that he had made the voyage well, had explored this new land thoroughly, and was taking a nap under the sofa with the tip of his tail revealing his whereabouts.  

We already miss him, but we thank the Lord that tonight Pilgrim is safe and loved.  


  1. Oh, he is sweet!

    It makes me miss our Maine Coon mix. He simply disappeared months ago, and we think that he was taken in by a family that is loving on him.

    Sarah is asking for a cat of her own, and I think maybe for Christmas, she just may get one. We've all missed having a cat around here.

    Let me know if any more kitty strays come your way - I would have to take a trip to visit you! ha!

    Love to the girls!

    Tell Kati I did receive her package and I've been so busy, I've not had time to photograph all the cuteness and do a post about it, but hopefully soon!


  2. What a cutie...

    This story is sounding very familiar as my daughter has started feeding a little pilgrim just this weekend. Hope that she finds a nice home for him as you did for Pilgrim.

  3. What a lovely post. And I am happy for Pilgrim. He knew which door to "knock". :) xo

  4. So happy Pilgrim is in his new home. Maddie is so content that she will get to continue visiting him!

  5. So glad pilgrim found a home. Guess what showed up on our front porch yesterday? A not quite grown kitty! Today, he/she started to come to the back porch this afternoon so Abi put out some cat food. No collar so I don't think it belongs to anyone and is very skittish. We shall see.....

  6. What a beautiful story... and how my heart doth reach out. He's so sweet.

    And we are DELIGHTED that your prayer for a beautiful new home was answered so quickly.

    Loved the bit about how his tail was sticking out just a tad to reveal his whereabouts.
