Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tweaking the Autumn Decorating (Again)...and Why We Are Especially Thankful This Year

Because autumn is my favorite season (you may have heard me say that ~sheepish grin~), I decorate early.  As soon as the triple birthday celebration is over, I am planning my fall decor, and by early September, fall is in the house.

This year I eased into fall with some fruity touches.  Shortly after, we went to the farm for some pumpkins and mums, and then I went all out and tucked fall into every nook and cranny.  

In November, I do my final tweaking, and bring out all the Novembery, Thanksgiving-y things that I have held back.   


This year, I am thrilled to be serving everything from coffee cake to soups to weeknight suppers to afternoon tea on (and in) my new Friendly Village dishes.  (Do you get excited over dishes?)

Primitive Tom (last year's project and table centerpiece) takes his place on the pie safe, strutting his stuff!

This wooden pumpkin stands as a reminder of the reason of our Thanksgiving.  Being thankful is an empty idea, merely a feel-good exercise in positive thinking, unless we are offering our thanks to the Giver of the gifts!   

Once more the Thanksgiving mice gather on the sideboard.  But wait!  Are there six?  Yes, this year there are six, the result of a fruitful eBay search.  

And the Thankful Tree adorns the front door, beginning to fill with leaves of blessings.  There is a special blessing hanging there this year.  That golden yellow one near the top. 

"Visitors," it says.  

Oh, delight of delights!  This year our faraway family (still faraway but much nearer) is coming for Thanksgiving!  For the first time in six years!  Ryan and Sarah and Eve and Nora and Peter (who was born on Thanksgiving night two years ago!) will be gathering around our Thanksgiving table(s)...and we. can't. wait.  


  1. This is so exciting! How special to have them in your home for Thanksgiving!

    I am so happy for you!


    ps - yes I do get excited over dishes!

  2. I am so excited for you! It's going to be so much fun for the entire family. And oh what a full house it will be.

    You have new Friendly Village dishes? Did you find them at a flea market or buy them fresh from the box? (I love mine and I know that you will enjoy yours. They are perfect from Thanksgiving through winter and the larger dinner plates also have spring and summer scenes, though perhaps the colors are a bit rich and deep. Still I use mine at Easter as well.)

  3. So much going on at your place. So much fun! Love all the Thanksgiving touches you've shown us. It will be a great celebration all around.

  4. It sounds like your Thanksgiving will be special this year with family togetherness. My married daughters told me that they will be cooking the turkey and trimmings and Grandpa and Grandma (Dean and I) are to come bearing a side dish. I'm looking forward to the switch - but will remember to offer help with the washing up.
    I like your elegant Friendly Village plates, shaker boxes, and pewter service that looks like it comes straight out of Early American Life magazine. Your Colonial touches are so fitting for the season.
    Karen A.

  5. I love love love those dishes! I am trying to decide on my table settings for our Thanksgiving and day after dinners this year- do you think I could order some before Thursday? (wink wink)

  6. Hi Cheryl, it is so nice to be able to visit today, Usually I would be up on a ladder painting, but our painters came to paint the foyer and LR's high ceilings and walls, so dh has sent me to the den for rest, therefore I am able to visit you. Beautiful fall decorations and I do get excited over dishes, and have often wondered why we woman do and have so many. I am so excited for you that all of you family will be together. It just makes the holidays so much sweeter.
    I hope to come back and do some catching up on what you have been doing these past few months, Oh my goodness I just said "few months" has it been that long since we visited! This renovation has really consumed our time not to mention money. ~smile~ Of course you know all about that, don't you.
    Enjoy your weekend, as you prepare for this most "Thankful" season.

  7. I love your Friendly Vintage dishes ... when I got married a friend also getting married got those, and I got The Old Mill, similar, also Johnson Bros. They had the same color tones and were always used at Thanksgiving. Alas, last year I gave them to my sister in law to make room from dishes from my mother, and I am missing them this year! I love your thanksgiving tree idea!

  8. EVERYthing is beautiful at your house this season. I'm especially intrigued by the tree on your door. What a great idea! How wonderful that your "faraway family" will join you at the table this year :) Happy Thanksgiving.
