Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Note Card Party: Green

My mom says that I was born three weeks late...and I haven't caught up yet!  Such is the case with this month's Note Card Party, hosted by the charming Vee, as I squeak in just under the wire to join in the festivities. 

This is the time of year that has me seeing green.  Not green with envy, just green with thoughts of spring.  It's not quite green yet outside our back door (hey, at least it isn't white as it is in Vee's corner today!), but I can do my best to bring some touches of green inside the house.

Here are my note card selections, each with a touch of green.

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Green on the kitchen table last spring.  
It looks much the same this year, but with a different table runner and a new candle.

Topiaries have replaced the china tea set 
which replaced the della robbia mantel 
which replaced the parade of white mini pumpkins.

The bean pot beside Hudson lamb has a sprig of green tucked in to welcome spring.

On second thought, there IS some green outside my door!
Well, just barely outside the door...
hanging on the door.
We celebrate the Risen Lord!

Do you have a blog?
Then you can join this month's party
over at Vee's Haven!

(Click the button for details.)

A Haven for Vee


  1. Love your touches of spring green, Cheryl. The Hudson lamb is adorable. xo

  2. Green brings the outdoors IN! Love the portrait :)

  3. I like all your touches of green, Cheryl. Winter seems prolonged this year, but we can still celebrate the beauty that will come!

  4. How content I would be to sit at the table and just allow my eyes to wander looking at everything. You have such a lovely way with decorating. It's calming and the color palette is soothing and restful. The lamb is so delightful that I want one of my own. Guess my little stuffed lambie will have to do. I briefly considered climbing back into the Christmas things to retrieve the Nativity Lamb then realized that I would have to be certifiable to do it having just got it back in tidy order and its being buried somewhere mid-pile.

    Thank you for changing your mind...always a woman's prerogative.

  5. Lovely way to welcome spring.I love the pot with "He is Risen".

  6. Love all the glimpses of greens about your home. I especially like those topiaries gracing your mantel. And the He is Risen tag.

  7. I love your home, Cheryl!

    Beauty and warmth everywhere!


  8. Love all of your green spring touches, Cheryl, I am glad I wasn't asked to pick a favorite. ~wink~
    Thanks for all your sweet words of encouragement, I do miss not being able to visit everyday, hopefully that will soon change. I was late to Vee's party yesterday too.
    Enjoy your evening.

  9. The touch of green is a perfect accent throughout your cozy home! These would make lovely cards.
