Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday Snapshots: Resurrection Day 2013

What a glorious celebration, that in which we celebrate our Risen Lord!  

This morning, we gathered with our church family for a time of the Word, at His table, by lifting our hearts and voices to the King of Kings!  

♪♫  Christ the Lord is ris'n today, Alleluia!  ♫♪

♪♫  Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia!  ♫

♫♪ Christ hath opened Paradise, Alleluia!  ♪♪

Back at home, we gathered with family, glorious songs of the Resurrection accompanying our gathering.    

Bekah's Resurrection Garden was the focal point of the children's table.  On Wednesday, I bemoaned the fact that I didn't remember to plan this project far enough in advance.  Bekah begged to do it anyway.  I insisted that the grass would not have time to grow in four days.  She insisted that it would work.  I told her that we didn't even have the materials.  She insisted that she could do it.  I told her to go for it.  She did...and we loved it!  

The "spring bunnies" wore tags and served as place cards for each of the little ones. 

Oh my.  Our buffet was scrumptious, full of colorful and delicious food.  Mom baked the ham and made deviled eggs and potato salad.  (Our family considers hers the best potato salad in the world.  Occasionally, Mom will offer to bring something else instead.  But after a general uproar and twisting of arms, we usually convince her that our Resurrection Day meal would not be complete without it.)  Kristin brought homemade rolls. (Swoon.)  My mother-in-law brought Jello in her vintage bowl, as she always makes Jello for her Jello-lovin' boy.  (Never mind that her "boy" is 56 years old.  We moms know the deal.)  We made some side dishes and we were good to go.  

(Please do not take note of the photographer's plate in the picture below.  Thank you.)

I love my Peeps!

Did I say the meal was scrumptious?  So was dessert!  Coconut cream pie, pineapple lush cake, cupcakes with sprinkles, chocolate chip cookie dough dip.  Say what?!  

And then, just in case the kiddos did not get enough sugar (!!), we had a hunt for chocolate eggs! There are two eggs hidden in the collage below.  Can you find them?  ;)

The proud (and artistic) winner, Gavin! ☺

Death has been swallowed up in victory. 
Where, O Death, is your victory?
Where, O Death, is your sting?

(I Corinthians 15:54-55)


  1. Dear Cheryl,
    How wonderful it is to have a family gathering like the one you had, on the glorious Easter Sunday! Bekah's garden is sure the focal point:-) I loved the bunnies too:-) And your desserts...I should say "wow":-).
    I'm sure the kids would've had their time! The winner's cup is sure artistic:-) Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading this post:-)

  2. What a fabulous Easter meal, Cheryl. I do love a good potato salad myself! I love Bekah's centerpiece. You and your family are so very creative. xo

  3. Your meal was nearly identical to ours, but I am the potato salad maker around her now. I learned from my Grandma and my Mom.

    What a fun day. Kristin and Brian and your youthful! They blend in with their kids!

    I think I love all your peeps though I haven't met them all in person yet!


  4. Wonderful! Oh how tickled I am by that Resurrection Garden...Bekah did a fantastic job! I can not make potato salad for beans...if anyone down your way wishes to share, that would be lovely!

  5. I love the Resurrection Garden. And what a lovely meal you all had together. My mother always brought a particular jello salad she had made for years! We miss it (and her).
