Saturday, March 1, 2014

Photo-a-Day ~ Week 4

Tidying up loose ends here with the last week of  Kati's photo challenge...a photo-a-day...

February Challenge...

day 22: blue
I love the blue band around this old pitcher.
(And it is the perfect vessel for a bunch of red tulips.)

day 23: your shoes
Alas, I have reached the era of comfortable shoes.
I have some cuter shoes that I wear for special occasions, but my feet loudly rebel and ask for this pair.

day 24: your bedside table
As we make some changes in our bedroom decor (a paint job is slated for April),
this bedside table is here until I find exactly what I want in a price that I can afford.

day 25: green
Dried limelight hydrangeas hang on the pot rack above my kitchen island.

day 26: light
I almost missed the light.
The day was mostly cloudy with the sun peeping through only now and then,
but just before sunset, I captured this thin light faintly shining on the dining room wall,
shadows cast from inside and outside the window.

day 27: something you ate
I started to show you the package of Lance crackers I grabbed as we ran out the door at lunchtime,
but this salad is much prettier, so I'm glad I waited for dinner.

day 28: sweet
These are the pretty shortbread cookies that Bekah made to share with her book club.

And there we go, a photo every day for the month of February. Thank you, Kati, for challenging me to stretch my thinking and try some different things! 


  1. Ohhhh, I love the light photo with all that shadow play around the vintage platter. It creates a mood, doesn't it?! And I think that I need a pair of comfy shoes like yours. Your new header is wonderful. I was just pondering your comment about a header being recognizable...I believe that I would recognize this header as one of yours because it is so you. Don't you think that photography is a lot like writing? It is recognizable. (The blog police who try to make us follow all these rules. Pah!)

  2. I enjoyed this...those shoes do look wonderful, and I especially love the shot capturing the light, shadows and afternoon sun. Enjoy the rest of your week-end!

  3. These are great pictures, Cheryl! I do believe that this is my favorite weekly collection that you did for Kati's challenge. But I've loved every week, so there really is no basis in fact for saying that. I do like your Mary Jane-esque shoes. I would wear that type more often if I weren't so concerned about matching my socks to my outfit. :-D The shadow playing on the wall... excellent! You chose wisely to wait to take a shot of your salad. Not necessarily for the subject, but for the brightness. Because crumpled cracker pack would have been hysterical! Such a fun month!

  4. I so understand about the shoes! Love the light photo. xo

  5. Lovely photographs Cheryl. I don't think I've seen your pot rack. Did your husband make it? Have a lovely afternoon. ♥

  6. Nice photo journal, and we wear very similar shoes. :-) And I love your new header! I agree with what you said to Vee, it is nice to be able to change it whenever we feel like it!

  7. Great job! Now hand me a shortbread cookie...
