Friday, May 23, 2014

Edible Science Might Be the Best Kind

I really didn't plan a lot of organized activity for the Grand Weekend this year. The children play so well together, and with their aunt Bekah (who is older than the oldest grand by a mere 20 months), that they fill their time with all sorts of imaginative play, inside and outside. I allowed each child to have an hour of computer time sometime over the weekend, and we watched a movie before bedtime. But other than that, their time was unstructured. 

There was one activity, however, that Bekah had requested. She wanted to do a project that was in her science book and she wanted to do it with her nieces and nephews. The purpose was to demonstrate that different chemicals in water change its freezing point, but the result was ice cream! Great science, don't you think? 

If you have children or grandchildren to entertain, you may want to consider this simple and delicious project.

Right after lunch on Saturday, I gathered the supplies: whipping cream, confectioner's sugar, vanilla, rock salt, quart-size double-lock plastic bag, gallon-size double-lock plastic bag, and ice.  

I had the children choose a partner, so we had three groups of two. Each pair assembled their ingredients in their quart-sized bag. (We doubled the amounts so that we had enough ice cream for two kids in each bag.) 

After securely sealing the ice cream ingredients in the bags (check those seals!), the children placed the rock salt and ice in the gallon bag, placed the quart bag inside the gallon bag, and sealed the gallon bag securely.

Then they were to vigorously shake their bags for 6 to 8 minutes until the ice cream became firm. I imagined that they would just take turns with their partners shaking the bag. 

How unimaginative is that, Gran?!

It was far more fun to try different ways to get the job done!

One team "shook" their ice cream by jumping on the trampoline.

One team tossed theirs back and forth.

Some of the youngest partners decided that there were better ways to spend their time. 

Some decided to run with their bags.

Well, somebody had to supervise, right?

After about 10 minutes or a little more, we decided that the ice cream was ready. Some was firmer than others (I assume that the more vigorous shaking resulted in firmer ice cream), but the results were deemed delicious! The children said that it had the flavor and consistency of soft serve ice cream.



  1. So fun! We have that book and have never done that project! I'm thinking this summer would be a good one to do it!


  2. Wonderful project done by the children. We can find the happiness in their face for their achievements!

  3. Now that looks like a lot of fun with a refreshing result!

  4. i can't wait to make this! I just have to get rock salt! Wonder if I can use ice melt? lol! xo. P.S. Nice pedi, btw

  5. Such a fun time with the grandchildren, Cheryl. This reminds me of a recipe we used to do with the children that involved the same concept--but the ingredients went in a container then into a can. Then they would kick the can all over the yard until you have ice cream. Love your pretty polish. ♥

  6. Wonderful fun! Were you also teaching multiplication? (Three groups of two...ha! ) I am thinking that jumping on the trampoline brought in the best results.

  7. We have done that same experiment, and it does turn out well. I love how you did this post, bringing us all along with you. You are so great at creating (and documenting) memories!

  8. We did this years ago when our children were much younger, at a family gathering so all the cousins paired up. A trampoline was used then, too. Such fun. This post brings back good memories of that day (and good memories of the sweet ice cream.)
    Great to see everyone enjoying the treat.

  9. Learning brings sweet rewards... literally!!!
    I like the color of your tootsies.

  10. I would have gladly volunteered to supervise or perform quality control testing, LOL! What a great project for the kids.
