Sunday, May 4, 2014

Photo Friday, Sunday Snapshots, and the Coming Week

Shall we travel through the week in one post? 

I'll begin with Friday. 

One of the gifts we gave Kati for her birthday (in November) was a visit to a tea room. One thing after another had kept us from redeeming this promise, but Friday was the day and the girls and I drove out of town to enjoy the day with tea and sweets. 

We took a little stroll through town, taking in the sights and soaking up the springtime. 

I am linking this photo of a lone redbud blossom to Kati's Photo Friday
(The link is open through Thursday night.)

Kati's Little Corner of the World

On Saturday, I met my brand new, beautiful, baby great-niece! No, that shower was none too soon!

May I introduce you to Ivy?

Is there anything sweeter than a new baby? Isn't she beautiful?

Today's plans were changed (a couple of times), but it turned out to be a quiet, pleasant day. Worship, a meal out, planting some flowers, dessert and coffee on the patio. The weather was gorgeous. 

Did I say quiet? Okay, it was mostly quiet. But when a skink scampers out of your potting soil just as you get ready to reach your hand inside the bag...well, would you have been quiet? 

Photo by Kati

(Note: I was not the photographer. I was too far away.)

This week I may be a little scarce here online. Ron is on vacation and we have projects lined up, including painting the bedroom which did not get painted in April. 

Of course, I may show up here in the evenings when we crash at the end of a busy day! We find that our project days are shorter than they used to be. No more working long into the night. By the time Jeopardy comes on, we want to be in our comfy clothes and in our chairs, projects or no. 

(Has that happened to anyone else?) 


  1. Wonderful Cheryl. You are a big inspiration for all. After completing your so many jobs as mother, wife, mother-in-law,gran; you are stil on your way to creativity. That's a big challenge and salute to you.

  2. I've never seen a skink and I'm glad! :)
    I'm ready to relax after a project, too, and I can't go on and on like I used to. Hope you get all you want done this week.

  3. Enjoy your week "off", Cheryl, even if it is a busy one. Looks like the weather is going to be quite nice!

  4. What a lovely weekend you had! Minus the skink! Yikes!

    I tell you and I am tired out at the end of a long project day now. They sometimes are still long but I have to take breaks during the day and then can barely move at night! ha ha ha!

    Enjoy your week, and take pictures of your projects! I love your home and am inspired by what you and Ron accomplish!


  5. Everything else faded into the background when I saw the photo of sweet little Ivy. Congratulations on your darling little great niece!

  6. Nope, your right...nothing sweeter than a new baby! Congrats to the new parents. May her life bring joy to all. And haven't been to a tea room since Melody married...loved it! And yes, our "project" days too keep growing shorter and shorter. Enjoy your week with hubby!

  7. Oh, yes, it has. Long, long ago.

    Love that photo of the geranium. It's perfection with the flower in focus and the activity behind blurred. Things like THAT come out of your potting soil? I'd be so far gone that I might need reviving.

    Have a fun week!

  8. How could I not comment on that beautiful child?! Ivy is a doll baby for sure.

  9. Lovely photos, Cheryl...our redbuds are all green by now but every beautiful plants has it's "hay day". Baby Ivy is sooo her dark hair! And as far as the skink...well at least ours here are smaller and iridescent...they are pretty little things but they need to stay away from me!

  10. It has certainly happened to me! I learned the hard way over the weekend that I can't work the hours that I used to. I enjoyed seeing your wonderful photos. Little Ivy is a beauty! And that little lizard? It would not have been pretty if I'd touched that thing! Eeek! Enjoy your week!

  11. A visit to a tea room sounds like a wonderful birthday present for your Kati, no matter how long it took her to claim it! A beautiful photo you shared on her site, and a sweet new baby all in pink! And yes, I just painted our bathroom and took many breaks. When I think back to what I used to accomplish in one day, I agree things have changed. Enjoy your project week!

  12. Your weekend sounds perfect, except the episode with the skink, we have plenty of them scampering about around the garden, I am always alarmed when the just come out of no where!
    Celebrating Kati's special gift sounds perfect to me, I love small towns and exploring them.
    Ivy is beautiful, and I think her name is perfectly beautiful too.
    I absolutely relate to those early evening in a comfy chair.Thanks for sharing.

  13. Ivy! She is beautiful and I sure love her name. Have a great time together accomplishing your projects. That is one of my favorite ways to spend vacation time.

  14. eww... I have never heard of or seen a skink but I know that was startling!

    Sweet, beautiful and precious little Ivy ~ how dear!
