Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Savoring Summer {Week 8 ~ Jill's Dill Dip}

Raw, crisp veggies are a perfect summer snack or side dish. And a simple, yummy dip can make them even more enticing! 

My friend Jill (she has shared some wonderful recipes with us here at Thinking About Home) brought some of her garden cucumbers and a container of this dill dip on a beach outing years ago...and we've been making it ever since!

  • I used to have a non-onion eater in the house, so I omit the onion. Sometimes I add some onion powder. But now the child who had onion aversion likes onions, so I ought to add it!
  • Summer is definitely not the only time I make this! It is an old friend. 

Do you like raw veggies? Do you dip? :)

Looking for a recipe from another week?
Week 1: Marinade for Chicken
Week 2: Black Bean Salad
Week 3: Cappuccino Pops
Week 4: Roasted Sausage and Vegetable Pasta
Week 5: Easy-Freezy Vanilla Ice Cream
Week 6: Farm Fresh Corn Chowder
Week 7: Mediterranean Pasta Salad

Or last year?
Fruit on Tuesday Week 8: Watermelon Cucumber Salad

Or two years ago?
Salad on Tuesday Week 8: Broccoli Salad à l'Orange


  1. I do like to dip and this would be a change from our homemade Ranch dressing!

    Thanks for sharing the recipe!


  2. I love dipping veggies and the kids sure do eat veggies faster if there's a yummy dip with them. Lately we've been enjoying a homemade honey mustard, but this dill dip will be made very soon :)

  3. Yes and yes. I was also not an onion fan as a child, but love them now.

  4. I do dip. I love raw vegetables. This sounds like a great recipe.

  5. Yep, I love raw veggies and I love dips to dip them in, too. I don't think I've ever met a dip that I didn't like and this recipe sounds very good. I'll be trying it out. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love onions. This looks real good.

  7. Dill is one of my favorite flavors and this sounds good. Do you use 2 T fresh dill?


  8. Betty, I use 2 tablespoons of dried dill weed. I would guess that you'd need a bit more if you're using fresh.

  9. I do love dill dip, but don't usually eat it because of the mayo in it. Sure is tasty though!
