Friday, July 25, 2014

One of Those...

Yes, it's been one of those weeks. 

(We all have them, right?)

It was not a week of fun and games, or summer outings, or of getting things checked off the list. I'll spare you all of the gory details, but let's just say that we're happy to see it end!  

I came across these words this week, penned by Charles Spurgeon so many years ago, and I believe them to be absolutely true...

May we continue to believe the God who hung the stars in their places, who holds the universe in His hands, and who is working everything for the good of His children. 


  1. Amen!! We sat outside last night and again in the wee hours of this morning gazing at the beauty of God's creation! The one who set the stars in the sky is th eone who cares for me....and you. Praise be to God!

  2. Yes, and amen.
    Hoping next week is more care free!

  3. Yes. Where could I go but to The Lord? (to quote a line) Such times are so intense...praying for a better week ahead.

  4. Oh Amen for sure!! Praying next week is better!

  5. Yup... Those weeks are inevitable! Praying for a great weekend for you all, and a good Monday/Start Over Day!

    Kim :-)

  6. Great words from a greatly used man. I've had a few weeks like that lately - in a row! I think of them as "sifting times" - and think of Jesus' words to Peter...."But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

  7. Yes, we do all have those weeks. Hoping things will settle down so that your August celebrations can go on as planned!
    God is good!

  8. Sorry it was a rough week. But your attitude and thoughts are uplifting and a good quote from Spurgeon adds even more. May it be a restful weekend.

  9. Amen and amen! So sorry your week was not the best but as long as you keep believing those words, you'll be fine! Hope the weekend is better!

  10. Thoughts and prayers Cheryl...
    so true...and in an odd way it's comforting to know that we all have those weeks while here on earth.
    I think too it's those weeks that make the good weeks sweeter...?

  11. I love the quote. So true! I'm praying for a better week ahead for all of us!

  12. I always come to " Let go and let God." It's helped me through troubled times. I guess we need this everyday, as a reminder that we are not alone.
    Hope next week is better.

  13. Thank you, Cheryl, for sharing this wonderful quote, your beautiful photo, and the reminder that even when living the good life we have days, weeks, seasons that are just plain rotten. So grateful Jesus is on His throne and is Victor!

  14. Oh yes. Such a great quote. Things do NOT always go the way we plan.

  15. Amen!

    That is so true. Thank you for this reminder!


  16. You have my sympathy.
    Some weeks around here the task set before us is to put-out-fires and do the next-urgent-thing. Sometimes difficulties and strivings mount. It isn't how I like to live but if it is required. It makes the peaceful moments all the more peaceful and I remind myself that a "Job's test of faith" cab be part of the Christian's walk.

    The photo of your side table is peaceful to look at and comfortable-country.
