Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Potpourri

No Sunday Snapshots this week. Why? Because my camera didn't leave its case all weekend. We had a relaxing, no obligations weekend which included a Friday night invitation to dinner with friends, some puttering around the house, catching up on chores, take-out dinner on Saturday, lunch out on Sunday, a little birthday shopping, a couple of Netflix movies...just what we needed! 

I can't believe that we are at the end of July already! I was saying to a friend this morning that I have not hit the "I CAN'T STAND ANOTHER STINKING DAY OF SUMMER" yet...which is pretty good for me as summer is my least favorite season (by far) and I hate humidity and sweat. (I am so sorry, summer-loving readers!) But so far, so good this year. 

We've been chipping away at our summer plans

We have done many of the fun things on our list, partly because my sister moved further away this past month, so we packed a lot of our outings into the early part of the summer so we could do them together. 

I have made new curtains for the dining there will be no more running up and down the stairs to festoon the windows! 

After looking at a gazillion floor cloth ideas, I decided to order a kit for my first attempt. I am hoping to get started on it later in the week. 

The organizing/cleaning stuff...we have made a dent, but it's slow going. Same with planning for the upcoming school year. Too much fun stuff, I guess. Hopefully, we'll make some progress between all of the August birthdays and anniversaries. 

But before all of the August birthdays, there are the July birthdays...our niece Amy, our granddaughter Eve...and today, our granddaughter Maddie turns 10! 

Happy birthday, sweet girl!!

I almost forgot!! It's time for me to gather the moments again, and I'll have that here on Thursday. As I have done for the first six months of this year, I will be providing a place for you to link your own "moments." (More details ~here~.)

I will be hosting this gathering each month through December. Feel free to join in!

Thinking About Home


  1. Fun post!

    I can tell you are enjoying this summer, what a wonderful laid back weekend you had! You needed it!

    Happy birthday to Maddie! What a cutie!

    We are in Florida until Wednesday. I think we are doing dinner with friends tonight!


  2. Cheryl, for some reason I've not hit the "done with Summer" point yet either... And I've even spent more time outdoors in the heat than usual this year! Amazing!

    I was very inspired by your Summer Plans list... Organizing (or RE-organizing!) is on my list-of-things-to-do this summer also.

    Can't wait to see the floorcloth! :-)

    And happy birthday to Maddie!

    Kim :-)

  3. I'm so glad that summer has been nicer to you so far. I really melt and get listless with extreme heat. Sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend. A very happy birthday to you granddaughter!

  4. It's something we all need to do....take off some time on the weekends.
    End of July....I can't believe it. I actually wore a light jacket to the pool this morning.
    Have a nice day...

  5. I like "this and that" kind of weekends. Sounds like yours was just what was needed!

  6. You had a good weekend! And I love that pic of your dining room table. Such nice lighting.

  7. Sometimes, you just have to put down the camera and have a little fun without it! LOL...

  8. I just recently have tired of my camera. Not sure why but just not feeling it. This is not good news as I've said I would put together the yearbook for our co-op this coming year. Sigh.

  9. What a darling little Maddie! Our summer (not even 60 degrees here this morning) is vanishing. Can't believe it's almost August. Hope you have a lovely day.

  10. Usually by now, I am wishing for fall to come, but here it is, the end of July and we have only had a handful of dreadfully hot days....I hardly remember a NC summer in the last 22 years where it barely reaches 80 degrees and the air is crisp and fresh at the end of July!! That is what we are having today and for the next several to come...lovin' it too!

  11. A little of this and a little of that comes together for an interesting read. Not showing the curtains until Thursday?

    Maddy is a beautiful girl. Hope her tenth birthday is a sweet one.

    Your sister moved further away? I never like it when my sister moves further away. =)

    Glad that summer hasn't been too bad. It really hasn't been too bad here either. It's more like the gas in the gas tank has been awful. Ha!

    Spent most of the morning outside cleaning the deck and replanting some tired pots. Now I'm ready for a little nap.

    Thank you for your kind words this morning. I'm looking for God in the interruptions.
