Monday, October 6, 2014

gather. {the beauty of nature}

Kristin's family had plans for the day and the dinner guests we had invited needed to cancel. The day was crisp and deliciously autumn...not one to fritter away! 

Ron went with a couple of his brothers to an antique car show. His oldest brother Max has restored their father's tractor and it was entered in the show. 

So we girls grabbed our cameras and pumpkin spice iced coffees, and off we went for a Sunday afternoon drive! We rambled around, looking for autumn beauty...and because we are house-y sort of people, we stalked drove through several neighborhoods to see pretty fall wreaths and pots of mums and piles of pumpkins. (More on that later.)

But it was such a gorgeous day, we just couldn't stay in the car. We hopped out and took a walk through the woods, following a path that meandered alongside a stream.

Changed plans became an opportunity to gather some lovely moments in the great outdoors.

This is day 6 in the series gather.  Click ~here~ to see more.


  1. Lovely!

    I love to be out in the fresh air during the Autumn! It fun when a change of pace can make for a lovely outing!

    I must go gather some pumpkins today.


  2. That looks like a really pleasant walking trail. Is it close by? You know how I'm always scoping out new places to walk!

    Yep, sometimes the unplanned moments are the best. Especially with daughters. Sons aren't bad, either! :-)

  3. How lovely to gather these moments with your girls. Early autumn in the woods is so beautiful. Glad you could take it in.

  4. Your pictures of the woods are just lovely. So peaceful. I feel as if I were with you.

  5. Looks like a wonderful place for a hike! I was just now online checking out a couple of new options for me to go hiking later this week when I am off. I love being out in this lovely, brisk weather...supposed to warm up later this week though...hopefully not too much!

  6. Looks like a great place to walk. I love that photo of the feet walking...

  7. My kind of Sunday. Rigt down to the PSL, although mine would be hot. :-)

  8. A walk in the woods is always refreshing!

  9. Looks like a fun day! I got grocery shopping out of the way early so we could spend the rest of the day outside! We had a fire going most of the day and we roasted marshmallows in the afternoon. {Might as well have some fun while we work!} Finn joined us, too, and he had fun playing with all 5 of the kids. No one is afraid anymore!!

  10. I'm enjoying this series so much though I don't always comment. Your photos are wonderful … love the ones from this post especially.

  11. I love how changed plans turn into opportunities.....
